Staying Positive Step 9

Staying Positive: The ability to use tactics and strategies to overcome setbacks and achieve goals.

Step 9: I look for opportunities in difficult situations, and adapt plans to use these opportunities


To achieve Step 9, learners will show that they can adapt their plans in response to challenging situations to keep going. 

In the two previous steps, the focus was on how to identify opportunities in difficult situations – first as an individual, and then in the context of working with others. This step builds on these by introducing the need for action as a result of this analysis.

Learners need to be able to:


Skill Starter

Positive Solutions

Show learners images of sports people in difficult situations, for example, losing a tennis match, falling behind in rowing. Ask them to talk about what the sports people could do in that situation and how they could make it better.

10 mins

Group activity


Teach & Apply

Optional Activity

Plan to Adapt

Pause part-way through a game/activity. In groups of 3 or 4, learners share a scenario that they found particularly difficult. Learners discuss together all possible reasons for this difficult situation.

Groups then come up with ideas to address each of the reasons that might have positive benefits and how they will adapt their actions accordingly. Take feedback and record their ideas.

Resume the game and praise learners using their adapted plans.

5 mins

Group activity


Reflection & Assessment

Embed these strategies across your teaching and coaching to help learners apply what they’ve learnt.

Use these ideas for ways of assessing this skill step to help you check learners’ understanding and confidence.