Staying Positive Step 6

Staying Positive: The ability to use tactics and strategies to overcome setbacks and achieve goals.

Step 6: I keep trying when something goes wrong and encourage others to keep trying too


To achieve Step 6, individuals will show that when faced with a setback, they can cheer others up and then encourage them to keep trying.

This step builds on the previous one as learners focus not only on how to cheer others up, but on how to keep them focused on persisting with a task.

Learners need to be able to:


Skill Starter

Encouraging Pairs

Ask pairs to come up with a list of phrases that they could say to each other to encourage them when completing an activity. Encourage them to think about what would motivate each other in that situation.

Some examples could be:

Give pairs the opportunity to feedback to the wider group. Collate a group list of memorable phrases they could use throughout the session.

10 mins

Paired activity


Teach & Apply

Optional Activity

Motivation Mentor

In a group huddle, use an example where someone is finding it difficult to keep trying.


“You are in a badminton session and are learning a new tactical move which will improve your attacking game; however, one person doesn’t quite understand and feels frustrated that they keep getting it wrong.”


Discuss what steps you could take to help that person succeed, encouraging them to think about what they can say or do. Emphasise that learners should not take over the task! Instead, they need to support this person to be motivated to keep trying on their own.

10 mins

Group activity


Reflection & Assessment

Embed these strategies across your teaching and coaching to help learners apply what they’ve learnt.

Use these ideas for ways of assessing this skill step to help you check learners’ understanding and confidence.