Listening Step 0

Listening: The receiving, retaining and processing of information or ideas.

Step 0: I listen to others without interrupting


To achieve Step 0, learners will have to be able to listen to others, without interrupting.

This is the first step in building this skill, and provides the foundation for more advanced steps in Listening.

Learners need to be able to:


Skill Starter

“If you won £1 million, how would you spend it in a day?”

Ask learners to think about the above question.

One at a time in small groups, each learner is given 30 seconds to explain what they would do with the money. At the same time, each listener is asked to throw a tennis ball in the air and catch it whilst they are listening.

After each learner has had their turn, have a discussion: “Were we showing good listening?” / How did the tennis balls affect our focus?” / “How did it feel when you were talking?”

10 mins

Group activity


Teach & Apply

Optional Activity

No Comment

Explain that learners will be listening to a short piece of sports or event commentary. Challenge learners to remember as much about the event as possible and answer questions on the event after the clip has been played.


“What happened in the clip?”

“What were the names of the players?”

“What words did the commentator use to describe the event?”


To extend the activity, challenge learners to use non-verbal cues (e.g. pointing, nodding, taking turns in order) to each share a response to the questions without interrupting another member of the group. 

15 mins

Individual activity


Reflection & Assessment

Embed these strategies across your teaching and coaching to help learners apply what they’ve learnt.

Use these ideas for ways of assessing this skill step to help you check learners’ understanding and confidence.