Speaking Step 5

Speaking: The oral transmission of information or ideas.

Step 5: I speak effectively by using appropriate language


To achieve Step 5, learners will understand that they need to consider the language that they are using when speaking and choose appropriate language to the setting.

Previously, in Steps 3 and 4, the focus was on speaking effectively by making points in a logical order and thinking about what listeners already knew. This Step builds on this, but focuses on the way that someone is speaking.  

Learners need to be able to:


Skill Starter

What is their style?

Learners listen to different audio clips from a variety of sport situations. These need to be showing different types of speaking (informal/formal/technical). For example it could be a press conference after a game, a team talk, some commentary.

Learners should be able to talk about the type of language used and the differences between the clips. They could then discuss when they would use that same style of language, such as more formally with their teacher or more informally with friends.

10 mins

Group activity


Teach & Apply

Optional Activity

Blindfold Maze

Using bibs and cones, set up a series of basic mazes.


Pairs must decide who is the ‘speaker’, the other learner will be blindfolded and placed somewhere in the maze. The ‘speaker’ must give instructions to help their partner out the maze, by using technical language such e.g. walk, slowly, left, turn 90 degrees clockwise. Their language may also be informal.

If the blindfolded learner touches a maze wall, they must start again.

15 mins

Paired activity


Reflection & Assessment

Embed these strategies across your teaching and coaching to help learners apply what they’ve learnt.

Use these ideas for ways of assessing this skill step to help you check learners’ understanding and confidence.