Creativity Step 5

Creativity: The use of imagination and the generation of new ideas.

Step 5: I generate ideas by combining different concepts


To achieve Step 5, learners will show that they are able to generate ideas by combining different concepts.

In earlier steps, learners thought about generating ideas when they had been given a clear brief and success criteria, and then when they had to create their own success criteria to improve something. In this step, learners build on this by exploring how they can combine different concepts to generate new ideas. 

Learners need to be able to:


Skill Starter

Name of the Game

In small groups, ask learners to come up with a team name. 

Structure the task in the following way: individually generate name ideas, then share ideas in pairs and then in a whole group. 

The group should then discuss favourite components of each idea and combine components to generate a final team name.

10 mins

Group activity


Teach & Apply

Optional Activity

Triple Equipment

In groups of three, learners each take a piece of sports equipment and must combine the three objects to create a new sport. 

Offer success criteria/constraints on the rules of the game (e.g. the equipment must all be from different sports) or for the ‘something new’ element (e.g. it must be a team sport). 

If there is time, two groups can join to take turns playing their sports.

2- mins

Group activity


Reflection & Assessment

Embed these strategies across your teaching and coaching to help learners apply what they’ve learnt.

Use these ideas for ways of assessing this skill step to help you check learners’ understanding and confidence.