Use PowerPoint Slides as a Virtual Background

Sharing Slides as a Virtual Background

While you can share PowerPoint presentations or share Keynote presentations in meetings, you can also share your presentation as a Virtual Background for an engaging sharing experience. Sharing your slides as a Virtual Background allows your participants to view your video imposed directly on the screen share. It also allows you to manage your presentation directly from within the Zoom meeting controls.

Sharing a Presentation as your Background

  1. Click the Share Screen button located in your meeting controls.

  2. Click on the Advanced tab and click on PowerPoint as Virtual Background.

  3. Browse and select the PowerPoint Presentation.

Once the PowerPoint Presentation opens, if your video is on, by default it will be imposed over the slides.

PPT as Virtual Background Screen Capture

Changing Video Size and Position

  1. Click on the ... in the presentation menu.

  2. Click on Resize My Video.

  3. Click and hold bottom right corner of the image, and drag to resize.

  4. Click and hold the center of your image, then drag your mouse to reposition the image on the slide.

Resize Video Screen Capture

Managing Slides

Once the share has started, you can manage slides from the meeting controls.

To navigate through your slides, use the next and previous buttons in the meeting controls.

Navigate Slides Screen Capture
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