YuJa Sharing Media

Sharing media enables Viewers and Content Creators to share content. Content may be shared from My Media with an individual or group of individuals, either with read-only, edit, or full-access privileges.

Sharing Media

Video editing tools are accessible for both captures/recorded and uploaded media.

  • Log into YuJa, hover over the selected video and select Share.

  • Enter the name of the user you would like to share the media with.

    • Access level for shared content:

      • Read Only: Allow the user to access and view the media

      • Edit Access: Allow the user to access and make changes to the media

      • Full Access: Allow the user to access, make changes, and delete media

    • Once done, click Save to Share.

Screenshot of YuJa share options. Across the top there is header text that says Share this resource. To the right of that, there is a X. Below that, there is a rainbow line. Below the line, to the left, there is text that says SHARE WITH. Below that is a horizontal rectangle box. Inside the box, there is a light gray box with an x and text that reads Andrea Clone. To the right, there is another horizontal rectangle. There is text inside the rectangle that says Full Access. There is a white dialog box open with three pieces of text: Full Access, Edit Access, and Read Only (with a blue background to indicate it is selected). To the right, there is a rectangular button outlined in blue with text inside that says Share. Below that, there is a blue horizontal bar. To the left, there is text that says WHO HAS ACCESS. Below that is a thin horizontal line. Below that, there is text that says Content not currently shared. Below that, to the right, there are two buttons. The first button has a black outline and text inside that says Cancel. The second button has a blue outline with textg inside that says Save.

Sharing Media

Media Playlists make it convenient for Content Creators to share a custom playlist of multiple videos using a single link with users outside of the Video Platform.

Creating a Media Playlist & Sharing a Media Playlist (YuJa Support Documentation)


Content Creators and Administrators can access a video’s Permalink throughout the Media Details Panel. A Permalink is a URL that will remain unchanged throughout time.

  • Hover over video, select More, and select Links

  • Select Permalink to generate the Permalink URL

Generate a Permalink (YuJa Support Documentation)

When using educational technology tools, be FERPA aware. To learn more, visit the Registrar's FERPA Guidelines site.