YuJa - Video Quiz

The Video Platform’s Quizzes offer a way to assess learning, encourage interaction and to measure understanding of video content. Content Creators can make video quizzes using any uploaded video content in their Media Collection.

Ensemble - Video Quiz Topics Covered

Creating a Video Quiz:

Video Quizzes can be made from any uploaded video, recording, or YouTube video.

Accessing the Video Quiz Management Tools:

  • Log into YuJa, from you Media collection, select video you want to make a video quiz for, hover over and select More...

  • On the left side panel, select Quizzes to access the Video Quiz Management Tools menu.

  • Select Create Video Quiz to create new Video Quiz.

Screenshot of YuJa Video Quiz Settings. Across the top, there is a white bar. In the center, there is text that says Media Details.  Below that, there is a rainbow horizontal line. Below that, there is a black bar with a dark gray circle and a white triangle icon. Below that, there are two sections. To the right is the navigation menu. The background is in gray with light gray icons to the left and white text to the right. The options are: Actions (with a circle and a plus sign icon), General (with a circle and a I icon), Thumbnails (with overlapping squares and silhouettes of a person), Links (with a chain link icon), Downloads with a line with an arrow pointing to it icon), Comments (with overlapping speech bubbles in an icon), Analytics (with a chart icon), Quizzes (with a circle with a question mark in it) and a lighter background, Accessibility (with a square with cc inside of it), and More Options (with a triangle pointing down) with a blue background. To the right of this, there is a white content are4a. There is a rectangle outlined with a thin stroke. Inside of it, there is text that says You have no quizzes associated with this item. Below that, there are two blue buttons. They are Create Video Quiz (with a plus icon) and a rectangle outlined in red. The second option says Create Playback Quiz (with a plus icon). At the bottom right of the screen, there is a rectangle button with text inside that says Close.
  • Enter a Title for your video quiz at top of window.

  • Play the video and click on Add Question (bottom window)

  • Select from six question types: Multiple Choice, Select Multiple, Short Answer, True or False, Reflective Pause and Decision Point (choose your own adventure).

  • Fill out the Question, need at least two answer Options but can Add Options if desired. Select check box next to response to mark correct answers. Optional add a hint for students if desired.

  • From the right, enter desired points, defaults to one. Save the question and press Play to continue.

  • More info on Quiz Question Types: https://support.yuja.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043227774

Screenshot of YuJa. At the top right, there are five buttons. The first two buttons have blue outlines. The text in the first is Settings (with a gear icon) .The second option says Preview (with an eye icon). The third button has a red outline and text inside that says Discard (with a trash can icon). The fourth and fifth button are outline in blue. The fourth option says Save (with a floppy disk icon). The fifth option says Post (with a paper airplane icon). Below that, there is a white rectangular box with text inside that says Enter Quiz Name. Below that, to the left is a thumbnail of a computer desktop. The tab that’s open shows Qualtrics. Along the left-hand side there is a navigation pane that shows a variety of surveys. To the right, there are four surveys shown. There is a white dialog box on top of it. There is bolded text at the top that says Add Question at 0:06. Below that, there are six options. They are Multiple Choice (with an icon that looks like a bulleted list), Select Multiple (with two checkmarks), Short Answer (with a checkmark and an A), True or False (with a checkmark, an x, and a hand), Reflective Pause (with a person’s head), Decision Point (with three circles connected by lines). To the right of the thumbnail is a text that says Question List. Below that, there is a square box with a thin store. Inside the box, there is text that says Play the video, then click the Add Question button to add a question at that spot.

Video Quiz Settings:

Customize the User Experience and how YuJa Gradebook is synced to Blackboard.
Click on Settings
  • The User Experience is customizable:
    • Provide Answer Right Way: let users know whether their answers are correct or incorrect.
    • Disable Fast Forwarding: prevent users from skipping ahead of the video
    • Disable Resubmitting Questions: users can't change their answers
    • Allow Video-Only Playback When Quiz Closed: Users can access a video after the Video Quiz has closed.
    • Award Credit Based on Video Watch Completion: points are awarded when user reaches the set percentage watched threshold or based on the percentage watched.
Screenshot of YuJa quiz settings. Across the top in the center, there is text that says Video Quiz Settings. Below that, there is a rainbow line. Below that, to the left there is text that says Quiz Options. Below that, there is a thin black line. Below that, to the left is text that says Customize Experience. To the right, there are five checkmark boxes with text to the right. None of them are selected. The options are Provide Answer Right Away, Disable Fast Forwarding, Disable Resubmitting Questions, Allow Video-Only Playback When Quiz Closed, Award credit based on video watch completion. Below the last option, there are two radio button options as indicated by circles. The first option is selected and says Give full credit based on threshold. Below that is text that says Percentage Watched and a gray box that says 80. The second radio button says Give credit based on percentage watched. Below that, there is text to the left that says Gradebook Options. Below that, there is a horizontal line. To the left, there is text that says Recording Quiz Attempts. To the left, there are two radio button options. They are Record All Attempts and Record Only Most Recent Attempts (selected). Below that, to the left is text that says Maximum Attempts. To the right, there is a checked box that says Allow Unlimited Attempts. Below that to the left is text that says LMS Quiz Attempts. To the right, there are three radio button options. They are Send First Attempt to LMS, Send Most Recent Attemptt to LMS (selected), and Send Highest Score Attempt to LMS. Below that, there is a thin horizontal line. To the right  below that, there are two buttons. The first has a black outline and text that says Close. The second has a blue outline and says Save.
Gradebook Option: how the quiz is graded and which score to send to Blackboard.
    • Recording Quiz Attempts: Record all attempts or just most recent
    • Maximum Attempts: select number of attempts a user can take Quiz
    • Blackboard Quiz Attempts: select which attempt is send grade to Bb

Note: From Blackboard and embed a YuJa Video Quiz for gradebook sync to be enabled.
From your Bb course...
  • From Build Content, select YuJa Media Chooser
  • Within the YuJa Media Chooser click on Quizzes
  • Select the Quiz and click on Insert Content

**The above steps are important to enable the gradebook sync. **
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