Turnitin Outside of Brightspace

If you are not a user of the University's Learning Management System, but would still like to use Turnitin in your courses, you may do so directly at the Turnitin website. If you don't yet have a Turnitin account, follow the Create An Account instructions below. If you already have an account, skip to Accessing Turnitin.

The information below shows how to use Turnitin outside of the LMS. If you're using Turnitin in the LMS, find those instructions here. 

Create An Account

Accessing Turnitin

Note: Your first assignment will always be a traditional paper assignment. Once you have created at least one assignment, you will have the option to create other types of assignments. These tools are only available when using Turnitin not through a

Viewing Originality Reports and providing Feedback with GradeMark outside of the LMS look and feel the same way as they do within the LMS. Find more information on both above. 

 When using educational technology tools, be FERPA aware. To learn more, visit the Registrar's FERPA Guidelines site.