Poll Everywhere

Integrate with PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides

By embedding Poll Everywhere activities into your slide decks, you can transition seamlessly between your material and interactive questions that get attendees talking. 

PowerPoint for Windows

Poll Everywhere fits into your PowerPoint presentation seamlessly.  After installing the Poll Everywhere for Windows PowerPoint App, you can insert some activities into your presentation and you are ready to present. 

Helpful Hints:


PowerPoint or Keynote for Mac

Present your Poll Everywhere activities in either PowerPoint or Keynote from a Mac by embedding them as a slide.  The app runs alongside PowerPoint and Keynote, no real difference between using it with either software application. 

Helpful Hints:

Google Slides

Poll Everywhere for Google Slides is a Chrome extension, only works with Google Chrome browser

Helpful Hints:

Additional Poll Everywhere Online Resources:

 When using educational technology tools, be FERPA aware. To learn more, visit the Registrar's FERPA Guidelines site.