Poll Everywhere

Create and Present

Overview of Activity Types

Multiple choice, Word cloud, Q & A, Clickable image, Open-ended, Ranking, Surveys, and Competitions.

How do I to create an activity?

Presentation Controls


When you want to present an activity you need to activate it, providing you with an unique URL: PollEv.com/your - username.  Participants who visit this page can see the activity and interact with it on their devices. 

Present from the web

Click on Present in the upper right corner to see your activity update live in full screen mode.  The simplest way to start collecting responses. 

Response links

Every Poll Everywhere activity except Competitions can also be shared asynchronously.

Manage Responses

Hover the bottom of screen when presenting in full screen mode to see more actions. 

PowerPoint, KeyNote and Google Slides 

By embedding Poll Everywhere activities into your slide decks, you can transition seamlessly between your material and interactive questions that get attendees talking. 

 When using educational technology tools, be FERPA aware. To learn more, visit the Registrar's FERPA Guidelines site.