
A bibliography is a list of sources used in the preparation of a document. Acknowledgement or citing these sources should be used if you do not use any direct quotes from them. It shows that you did research and didn’t make up key facts and/or supporting quotes.

Create a Bibliography

After one or more sources have been added in a document a bibliography can be created.

  • Click where you want the bibliography to begin.

  • From the References tab, within the Citations & Bibliography group, click on the Bibliography command button. Select the bibliography format from the drop down list.

Update Bibliography

With the bibliography selected, at the top left of the bibliography, click on the Update Citations and Bibliography command.

Screenshot of a citation. There is a blue outline of a box around the text. In the top left of the outline is a blue box. There is a an icon with purple and yellow icons and a document icon with a red exclamation point. To the right, the text says Update Citations and Bibliography. Inside the outlined blue bow, there is header text in blue that says Bibliography. Below that, the text reads Shot, B.H. (2010). Remove Unnecessary Sources. Retrieved July 29, 2010, from Bright Hub Computing:
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