Brightspace: Outcome Assessment

The content below will walk you through how to evaluate students based on the Fisher Outcomes as well as program or school-specific outcomes.

Fisher Outcomes

Fisher Outcomes apply to all Fisher students and the intent is to track student progression on these outcomes throughout their time at Fisher. There are a total of 10 outcomes, seven of which have associated rubrics that will be used to assess student progress using a developmental model. Both outcomes and rubrics for Fisher Outcomes are created and maintained in Brightspace by DePeters Family Center staff. Faculty will not be asked to create these in their courses. Faculty will only be creating the links to the specific outcomes that are assessed in their courses and rating students on those scales.

For a full video tutorial on these steps, please watch Brightspace Outcome Assessment - Fisher Outcome Setup

Fisher Outcomes Assessment Process

Faculty will follow the below steps to assess student performance on specific Fisher Outcomes outcomes that are mapped to their specific courses. 

At the beginning of the semester, faculty should set up a place to assess student progress on one or more Fisher Outcomes:

Program/School Outcomes

Program/School outcomes can also be tracked in Brightspace. Assessment coordinators for each School will create the rubrics associated with this assessment with the appropriate School level of Brightspace and share these rubrics with specific departments as needed. 

For a full video tutorial on these steps for A&S assessment, please watch Brightspace Outcome Assessment - A&S PLO Setup

Program/School Assessment Process

Faculty will follow the below steps to assess student performance on specific Program/School outcomes that are mapped to their specific courses.

At the beginning of the semester, faculty should set up a place to assess student progress on one or more Program/School Outcomes:

For Fisher and Program/School Outcomes - Evaluating Students on Outcomes

For a full video tutorial on these steps, please watch Brightspace Outcome Assessment -- Evaluation

At the end of the semester, faculty will evaluate student achievement on the linked rubric following these steps:

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