Brightspace: Reviewing Your Blackboard Courses in Brightspace

Blackboard courses from Fall 2019 to Spring 2023 are in Brightspace. The outline below will walk you through how to review your content to make sure it is showing up correctly. It will also outline common issues to look for as you review. You may find it helpful to review the Brightspace Basics documentation before diving into your course review.  

Accessing Brightspace

Screenshot of the Brightspace logo, which is an orange square with white text inside that says Brightspace.
Screenshot of the Brightspace homepage. In the top left there is text that says My Courses. There is an arrow pointing down to the right of it. Below that there are three boxes. Each box has an image and the name of a course. Below that, to the left, there is blue text that says View All Courses. To the right of that, there is the number three in parenthesis.

Reviewing Your Migrated Course

When you first log in to Brightspace, go to the My Courses widget and select the Converted option. This will show you your courses that were brought over from Blackboard. 

Screenshot of the MyCourses widget on the Brightspace homepage. Across the top, there are five sections. Each section has unique text. The sections are: All, Pinned, 2022 Fall, 2023 Summer, Converted (there is a outlined pink box around this), and Non-Credit. Below that, there is a thin, black line. Below that, there are three images with text below. These signify three different course offerings.

Removing Course Materials

When Blackboard courses are brought into Brightspace, the Course Materials page comes in as a top-level page (or module in Brightspace). To fix that we'll move the modules underneath Course Materials and then delete the Course Materials module. To do that:

Screenshot of the Brightspace Table of Contents. There is text to the left that says Table of Contents. To the right of that is a gray circle with numbers in black inside of it that say twenty-nine. Below that, there is an icon of two columns and four rows made up of dots. To the right of that is text that says Syllabus. To the right of that is a gray circle with the number one inside of it. Below that,  there is an icon of two columns and four rows made up of dots. To the right of that, there is a pink outlined square around text that says Course Materials. To the right of that is a gray circle with the number twenty eight inside of it. Below that there is  there is an icon of two columns and four rows made up of dots. To the right of that, there is text that's grayed out.
Screenshot of a Brightspace Module page titled Course Materials. To the right of the page name, there is a gray square with an arrow pointing down. There is a pink outlined box around the square. There is a dialog box open with options. The last option has a pink outlined square around it with text inside that says Delete Module.

Reviewing Content

Most of what is brought over from Blackboard will show up and display correctly. However, we do recommend that you review each item in your course to ensure that it is displaying/working. 

To edit content: 

Things to Check:

You can find a full checklist of items to review below. 

Screenshot of a Brightspace Assignment listing on a Module page. There is an pink outlined box around an arrow icon.

Re-linking Graded Discussion Boards 

If you bring over graded discussion boards to Blackboard, the link to the grade book column will break. The column still comes over and the discussion boards do as well so you really just have to re-link them. 

Things to Check in Your Brightspace Course

The document to the left is meant to help as you review your content and begin editing. The first section covers areas to review and the second is a table that shows the comparative tools between Brightspace and Blackboard. 

If you want to download a PDF, click here.

We know that some of this is going to be tricky, please reach out to the DePeters Family Center at and we can meet to review and help. 

Next Steps

 When using educational technology tools, be FERPA aware. To learn more, visit the Registrar's FERPA Guidelines site.