Brightspace: Attendance

Brightspace's attendance tool tracks multiple types of attendance in one course. Please note: The tool does not tie directly in with the grade book. 

Accessing Attendance

Go to the course and click on the Students & Grades option in the course navigation. From there, click on Attendance.

The attendance tool in Brightspace has two elements to it:


On the Attendance page, select Attendance Schemes. By default, the System Scheme will be enabled, which is set up as Present is equal to 100% while Absent is set to 0%. 

To make a new scheme, select the New Scheme button. 

Screenshot of Attendance settings and options. Across the top there are two pieces of text. The first is Attendance Registers. The second is Attendance Schemes. There is a pink box around Attendance Schemes. Below that is a thin, black line. Below the thin, black line is a blue rectangular button that says New Scheme. There is a pink box around the button. Below that, there is blue text that says What are attendance schemes?

Attendance Registers

Attendance registers create and organize sessions to take attendance. 

Using the Attendance Tool

Screenshot from Brightspace Grade Book. There is a single column of the gradebook visible. There are two rows. The top row has a blue background and black text that says (percent sign) Attendance. The second row has a white background and has text that says 100. Both cells have a pink box around them.