What You can do

In times of increasing and threatening pollution and global climate change, when every tree is a valuable resource, local authorities are preparing to deplete the forest, which is habitat for several species protected by the laws of Republic of Serbia and EU.

What You can do:

1. Sign petition stating Your support for protection of Zvezdara forest.

2. Whenever an event is taking place, please, take part in it.

3. Write an e-mail or a letter, as an individual or as a representative of Your organization, not just once, but whenever You can, to the authorities listed bellow, stating Your concern and opposition to the proposed urban development plan for detailed regulation of Zvezdara forest. It would be significant for the public support if You would allow us to publish a copy of that e-mail or letter on Protect Zvezdara forest site.

Example of an e-mail in Serbian:


Želim da iskažem svoje nezadovoljstvo po pitanju regulacionog plana Zvezdarske šume.

Prava je sramota, da sada kada je ceo svet okrenut buđenju svog ekološkog JA, vlada republike Srbije dopušta i podržava da se Zvezdarska šuma seče. Sada, kada svet legalno postavlja pitanje da li će uopšte opstati zbog drastičnih klimatskih promena koje su posledica prevelikog zagađenja u kombinaciji sa prekomernom eksploatacijom prirodnih dobara (nekontrolisanom sečom šuma ), republika Srbija pokazuje da ide u raskorak sa svetom prihvatanjem i podržavanjem regulacionog plana koji će potpuno uništiti Zvezdarsku šumu.

Koja je inače dom nekoliko zaštićenih vrsta koje je država Srbija, kao legalna institucija, u obavezi da štiti, po Uredbi o zaštiti prirodnih retkosti.

Sada, kada je uočeno da je smrtnost dece od respiratornih oboljenja duplo veća nego u Evropi Vi nalazite za opravdano da uništite gradske prečišćavače vazduha i na taj način osigurate porast smrtnosti dece.

Iskreno Vaš

Example of an e-mail in English:

Dear Madam/Sir

I’m writing to You in order to voice my concern about new Plan of Detailed Regulation of City Park-Forest Zvezdara. It seems that people with utter disregard for the environment, protected wildlife, and what is most important benefit of citizens of Belgrade devised a plan to use forest as a quick way to earn profit. It can not be stated strong enough how important part of our environment forests are, and thus our lives, and lives of our children and grandchildren. Serbia is already lacking forests, and proposed plan is a step in wrong direction. I implore You to use whatever power Your office holds and prevent accepting of that plan and dire consequences it will have on environment of city of Belgrade.

Sincerely Yours,

Send Your e-mail to :

List of public institutions and organizations

President of the Republic of Serbia


Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning


Protection of Nature


Control and supervision


Institute of Urbanism of Belgrade


Secretariat for Urban Planning and Construction


Serbian Environmental Protection Agency


Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management





Secretariat for Environment Protection


Institute for Protection of Nature of the Republic of Serbia


Mayor of Belgrade


Mayor of Zvezdara


Ministry of Finance


