Zelda Randomizer 3.1 Released!

Post date: Oct 13, 2017 9:29:1 PM

After a long bout of testing, Zelda Randomizer 3.1 has been released! The release contains the following new features/fixes:

    • We added "Shuffle Enemy Groups" and "Shuffle Overworld Group". This means that you might see such exciting combinations as Lynels and Wizzrobes in the same room! Good luck fighting through some of these combinations!

    • We added "Change Secret Spots", which can potentially move around the secret entrances that you need to bomb/burn/push. They'll still be on the same screen, but best of luck finding them!

    • The condition to enter level 9 can now be selected in the drop down menu. In addition to the old methods (8 triforce, open 9, blocked by an item), we have now also added the ability to have to collect a subset of triforces. Now you can play a seed where you can choose which 5 triforces to get before entering Level 9! If you need to know how many triforces you need (for example, selecting "Random Triforces"), you can go visit the old man at the entrance to Level 9 to find out what you need!

    • We added a "hash" code to the file screen. This will allow you to quickly verify with a friend that both of you have generated the same ROM.

    • When selecting hints, the option for "Blank" hints now exists. Now, those talkative shopkeepers won't say a word! (But good luck trying to skip out on a door repair!)

    • Stumped about where a particular item may have been? When you finish a seed, the "credits" have been changed to tell you what items were in what levels!

    • If you enjoy playing Swordless, your game play just got more interesting! Now in 3.1, there are NO swords available anymore in Swordless modes. Instead, Gannon now is vulnerable to damage from the wand. It causes the same damage to him as a white sword, meaning that it will take 8 wand "slashes" to kill him, with no HP shuffle on! Best of luck!

    • The UI for Zelda Randomizer has been updated, to condense some options together into simpler drop-down boxes. The "Change Dungeon Shapes" option, for instance, is now located in "Dungeon Quest". Please note that, due to this change, flag sets from earlier versions will be incompatible with the current flags. We apologize for this, but promise this will help with expanding this in the future.

    • A few game engine bugs have been fixed. A fix preventing softlocks if you up+A during the "triforce grab" animation after killing Gannon has been added; it should now be safe to up+A as soon as you grab the triforce. In addition, bugs have been fixed which cause graphical glitches when entering a level while taking damage, as well as issues that can happen with bomb walls in Gannon's room. Thanks to Fiskbit who provided a lot of the help for many of these changes!

    • Other small various bug fixes likely occurred as well.

Thanks again to everyone who helped test for this version! We hope you enjoy playing more Zelda Randomizer!

To download the Randomizer, feel free to download this at the Download and Installation page, or by opening up your old version of Zelda Randomizer! Feel free to have fun with this, and also test out the 2017 Swiss preset, which will likely be the first round flags of an upcoming tournament! More details to come soon on that front!