2.0 - Release Race!

Post date: Aug 19, 2015 1:47:29 AM

Interested in racing Randomizer 2.0 against other players? If so, come join us Sunday, August 23 at 1:29 PM EST for the Randomizer release race (click the time link for conversion to your local time)! The flags for this race are: Q36CW3Y9, corresponding to a Maelstrom race, but with the Wood Sword at the start cave, and the White Sword in its own cave (wherever that ends up on the map). Everything else will be shuffled like mad! So get practicing, and we hope to see you there!

The race will be held on SpeedRunsLive; you'll need an account there to join the race. If you use IRC, you can join the #tloz channel on the irc.speedrunslive.com server as well to talk to players, get hints etc.