2.0 - Helpful Hints
Post date: Aug 09, 2015 2:42:32 PM
One of the new features that you may have noticed in the screenshots of the Randomizer UI is called Hint Type. This is a new feature in version 2.0, and can take one of three forms:
Normal - These are the normal hints that you normally encounter during the game. Although helpful for the normal game (to varying degrees), they tend to not be too useful during a Randomizer game. However, the default option is to leave them there.
Helpful - If you select helpful hints, the hint texts will be replaced with text that may actually be useful to you in your adventure. Within each dungeon, the old man who can be found there will help point you to the next dungeon. For example, you might see:
How do we translate that? Well, there are a number of different locations, as referenced in the map below (note: this map may be updated prior to release, and will be available on the Helpful Links/Materials page.
So in this case, the Lost Hills corresponds to the Dark Purple located in the northeast of the map! This lets you quickly find the next dungeons, and possibly the swords as well. In addition, the "Pay me and I'll Talk" people actually will give you useful information... if you're willing to pay.
Community - These hints were provided by the community during a couple of sessions. As a warning, they will almost never actually make sense, but can provide a fun alternative to the normal messages you see. I won't spoil them all, but here are a couple of examples:
Hopefully this will help whet your appetite for some lovely randomizer action!