Helpful Links/Materials

The following are useful sites/materials that you may find helpful during the course of playing with the Randomizer!

ZHelper - A tool developed by questwizard to help track information obtained while playing Zelda Randomizer. Can be very useful to make sure you don't miss things! - A compendium of useful Zelda information, including information on enemy drops, screen scrolling, and other incredibly useful information.

ZeldaQ1Map.png - A map of the overworld, showing the cave entrances for first quest. It uses the same coordinates as the log file outputs.

NES Maps - Has a list of all Zelda maps from 1st and 2nd quest. Great if you need to remember a shape of a dungeon, or whether room X has a drop in it or not.

Cave Types: This map shows the overworld entrances for first quest, but it has color coded the type of door each room has. This can help you quickly decide what you want to kill.

For Helpful/Deception hints, the above guide will tell you where the old man is pointing you. For the other portion of his hints, note the following: