2.0 - UI Improvements

Post date: Aug 08, 2015 2:14:32 AM

Apologies for those of you who were awaiting posts; unfortunately a poorly timed power outage in the state of Rhode Island resulted in me losing power for 2 days. That, coupled with a couple of game bugs, distracted us from this. However, we are now back, and going to give you all a preview into 2.0 over the next few days!

First of all, let's talk a bit about the UI overhaul. As a large number of options have been added, the UI is now tab based. A sample screenshot of one of the beta versions is shown below:

The main features you'll notice include:

    • In the Original ROM section, once you generate a ROM, it will be saved, so the next time you open the ROM, you shouldn't have to navigate again to find the ROM.

    • You'll notice the new Flags section. In that section, as you select/unselect flags, it will automatically change the flags field. The flags can be copy/pasted into someone else's Randomizer, and the same flags you have checked will automatically be filled in in theirs. No need to specify "We are racing Pandemonium, no forced Gannon, no extra blue candles", for instance. Now you can say "Use flags 1P7OBX1C".

    • The quests have been split into Dungeon Quest/Overworld Quest, allowing you to race using the 2nd quest overworld, and 1st quest dungeons for example.

    • You'll see the new Check for Updates button in the bottom corner. When you click that (or on opening the Randomizer), the Randomizer will check to see if the Randomizer has been updated; if so, it will prompt you to update your Randomizer. No need to keep checking on the site (though we do welcome you coming back again and again!)

    • Options are organized according to the type of option (so monster-based options are generally found under the Monsters tab, etc.). This helps you to more easily set up your perfect game.

I'll be talking more about some of the specific options (Hint Type, for instance) more in the next few days, as well as posting some video tutorials on how to play some of the new presets. Stay tuned to learn more! As always, if you want an early view of the action, feel free to check out my Twitch page or follow @fredcoughlin on Twitter.