2.0 - Official Release!

Post date: Aug 17, 2015 8:36:31 PM

After all the hard work to put this together, we are pleased to finally release version 2.0 of the Zelda Randomizer! To download, feel free to click on either of the links at the end of this post.

I want to take a moment to thank all of the beta testers who helped test the product. Your feedback has been invaluable at taking a small project and turning it into a powerful randomizer. So thank you to everyone who has helped with this!

We do race the Randomizer regularly on speedrunslive.com. If you join the IRC chat, feel free to stop by #tloz and say hi, and join in any races we have. I will post the official flags for this weekend's release race later tonight, so stay tuned for that information!

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