Third-Party Utilities

WIP page

Third party software are not authorised for war thunder except under special circumstances. One of those circumstances is using the official client localhost port 8111 output (Which is the same flight model map data you get when you open options->open map in browser). This web page will list some of such apps.


Depreciated due to in-game equivalent function.


A flight model testing assisting app for the general War Thunder population. Has the ability to export data.

WT RealTime Information

Some streamers have used this before. Basically relays non-standard indicators ontop of the player's screen.

JulietSix's "Cover Me!"

Made mostly redundant when Gaijin added altitude information to the Cover Me! (T-4-2), On Me! (T-4-1) position call-outs. It's essentially just a macro, so it won't work effectively if you're in all chat or if you're using the keyboard for other purposes shortly after using your position calls. People used to accidentally broadcast their heading and altitude in all chat because of this with random letters shoved in it.

WT-Betty (My fork: (Originally created by Europa: (Fork tree:

WT-betty is basically bitching betty, a cockpt warning announciator that gives you warnings such as stall. It's a simple zip extract to run but you will need to assign the values for every plane individually. A Python based version is kinda work in progress for expanded capability. Also, the guy who made ThunderTac also remade bitching betty also in python but has yet to publish it.


ThunderTac is is basically a TACView interpreter for war thunder. I'm too lazy to retype this so here's a copy paste since it's not exactly as simple as extracting to use.

Heads Up Display (MiG-21 / F-16 style Colimator)

Basically a functioning HUD for war thunder.

Note that If you want to record from a replay, you must gather everyone's replays (for their perspective and instrument indicators as the server side replay nor client side replay doesn't record remote client's indications)

Download the latest zip from

Once you have the zip, just run it once to allow it to self-update If it freezes, check if it says "select" in the top left window header - if it does, click in the window and press enter. It should continue.  Once it has updated, close it.


362 bytes

[03:31] Setting up Open config.ini and set the ttac_usr to your username. This isn't compulsory, this just identifies your plane from others. Before recording a session, make sure everyone has the same "Master" (ttac_mas) set. This is important, this synchronises the replays.(edited)

[03:32] Recording Start up the program again, you might need to click in the window and press enter again as it might bug out again. Once the last line written in the console says something about map grids, the app is ready to start. Once everyone is ready, the master has to say the exact keyword in ALL chat: ttac.rec This will start everyone's app to record.

[03:33] Ending replay To end the replay, the person playing should preferably die or the match should end. I recommend not touching the app until the match has ended because the replay might corrupt, but you can end once the player dies and in the console, there will be sometihng like a -0x(hex number gibberish) you can hit CTRL+C to close the program and save the replay.

[03:35] Playback in TACVIEW Everyone uploads their latest recording in the folder called ACMI to discord or sometihng, and the viewer needs to download everyone's recordings as well. Once you have all the recordings, open tacview and just dump them all in the window. Tacview will handle the synchronisation process for you. Enjoy!