Welcome to Zanín, the e-Jounral of KSMA

The Kurdish Scientific and Medical Association (KSMA) is pleased to announce the launch of its scientific and medical E-journal, "ZANÍN".

This international journal will provide a credible academic platform for the publication of articles covering a wide range of scientific and medical disciplines. All issues of the journal will be archived in searchable websites.

The focus of the journal will reflect that of the KSMA and will cover scientific and medical topics written by Kurds and non-Kurds. Of particular interest are those topics that relate to the people and the land of Kurdistan or the Kurdish people in Diaspora.

The editorial board of the journal cordially invites all capable academic, medical and other allied professionals to contribute scholarly written manuscripts in the form of original articles, reviews, letters, views and announcements.

The formal languages of the Journal will be English and Kurdish (written in any dialect), however, articles written in other languages will be considered (with abstracts in English). Papers can be short or long, and clear instructions for authors are available on the journal’s website.

§ To view background information for the title and the logo of this journal, please click here

زانین گۆڤاری‌ كۆمه‌ڵه‌ی‌ زانستی‌ و پزیشكیی‌ كوردی‌ یه‌.

به‌خێربێن بۆ "زانین"، گۆڤاری‌ ئه‌له‌كترۆنی‌ KSMA كۆمه‌ڵه‌ی‌ زانستی‌ و پزیشكیی‌كوردی‌ (KSMA) شادمانه‌ ده‌ست پێكردنی‌ بلاَوكردنه‌وه‌ی‌ گۆڤاری‌ ئه‌له‌كترۆنی‌ خۆی‌ ڕابگه‌ێنێت "زانین" كه‌ ساڵی‌ دوو جار بلاَوئه‌كرێته‌وه‌ و یه‌كه‌م ژماره‌ی له‌ مانگی‌ ئۆكتۆبه‌ری‌ 2004 ده‌رده‌چێت.

ئه‌م گۆڤاره‌ جیهانی‌یه‌ ده‌بێته‌ سه‌كۆیه‌كی‌ ئه‌كادیمی‌ گونجاو بۆ بلاَوكردنه‌وه‌ی‌ هه‌موو بابه‌تێكی‌ زانستی‌ و پزێشكیی‌ به‌هه‌موو لقه‌كانییه‌وه‌ .ئه‌و بابه‌تانه‌ی‌ بلاَو ده‌كرێنه‌وه‌ له‌ ئه‌رشیفی‌ ماڵ په‌ڕی‌ گۆڤاره‌كه‌دا ده‌پارێزررێن و به‌ ئاسانی‌ ئه‌دۆزرێنه‌وه.‌

تێڕوانینی‌ گۆڤاری‌ "زانین" له‌ سه‌ر هه‌مان شێوازی‌ KSMA یه‌ و هه‌موو بابه‌ته‌ زانستی‌ و پزیشكێكانی‌ كورد و بێیانه‌ بلاَو ئه‌كاته‌وه‌، به‌تایبه‌تیش ئه‌و بابه‌تانه‌ی‌ په‌یوه‌ندیان به‌ خه‌ڵك و خاكی‌ كوردستان ه‌ وه‌ هه‌ بن. ده‌سته‌ی‌ سه‌رنوسه‌رانی‌ "زانین" بانگهێشته‌ی‌ هه‌موو توانا ئه‌كادیمێكان و پزیشكان و خاوه‌ن به‌هره‌كان ئه‌كات بۆ به‌شداری‌ له‌ ناردنی‌ بابه‌تی‌ زانستی‌، توێژینه‌وه‌، كورته‌ باس و پوخته‌كاری‌، یان نامه‌ و ده‌نگ و باسی‌ زانستی‌ و بانگه‌واز.

زمانی‌ سه‌ره‌كی‌ گۆڤاره‌كه‌ ئینگلیزی‌ یه‌ هه‌روه‌ها كوردی‌ (دایه‌لێكت ی‌ هه‌ر شێوه‌یه‌ك بێت)، به‌لاَم به‌ زمانی‌ تریش بابه‌ت بلاَوئه‌كاته‌وه ‌(ئه‌گه‌ر كورته‌یه‌كی‌ به‌ ئینگلیزی‌ له‌گه‌ڵ دابێت)

توێژینه‌وه‌كان ئه‌كرێت كورت یان درێژبن، ڕێنماییه‌كانی‌ بلاَوكردنه‌وه‌ش له‌ ماڵ په‌ڕی‌ گۆڤاره‌كه‌ ده‌ست ئه‌كه‌وێت.

ZANÍN logo

Background of the name and the logo for ZANÍNThe tile of KSMA' journal is the Kurdish verb "Zanín = to know" (Infinitive form of a transitive verb common in all Kurdish dialect), which is the root of "Zanist = Science", "Zanyar = Scientist", "Zanyarí = knowledge", "Zanistge = University", "Zanko = collage" and so on. The title was chosen for it simplicity and common usage in all dialects and subdialect of Kurdish language. It is easy to relate the word to the content and coverage of the journal as well. The logo is a combination of the title for the journal and the most significant emblem in Kurdish culture, the golden sun with colour code PMC 116 C (#FFCE00, RGB 255-206-000). The golden sun with 21 arrays, appear in many ancient Kurdish religious and culture, and symbolize the wisdom, awareness and power against the darkness. The golden sun is appearing in Kurdistan national flag as well. For more information on Kurdish flag, please view KURDISTANICA. The king of sun and lightness "Mithras" (Mihr) is one of the avatars in Kurdish religion of Yazdanism. He is "Sha Khushin, Sha Xuweshín", viz. Sha Khurshid. The Mihr is the alias for the sun in our modern language, as in "Mihr ú Mang" (sun and moon).