Adnan Faraj

Members of the editorial board

Dr. Adnan Faraj، Orthopaedics, Bradford, UK I was born in Kirkuk, 1961. Graduated from Mousl Medical school in 1984 and completed the "Iraqi Board of Orthopaedic Residency" program in the Medical city-Baghdad between 1988-1992. I worked as a lecturer and consultant orthopaedic surgeon in Erbil teaching hospital before arriving in the UK. I underwent further training in Nottingham and the West Yorkshire hospitals.

I obtained FRCS, Mch (Liverpool) and the intercollegiate FRCS (Orth). I have carried out clinical research both in Iraq and UK and published extensively, mainly in the area of orthopaedics. In my current position, as a consultant orthopaedic Surgeon in Airedale General Hospital ( West Yorkshire, UK), I teach junior doctors and other postgraduate students.

Contact Details:
Dr. Adnan Faraj
Bradford, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1274481961