Dilan Roshani


Associate editor and Webmaster

Mr. Dilan M. R. Roshani، I am a M.Sc. Civil Engineering, M.C.E. Structural Design from The Chalmers University of Technology in Göteborg, Sweden. My finale M.Sc. Thesis work was concerned about "Shear Capacity of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Beams". Consequently, I am eager to increase my knowledge and skills regarding various approaches to design, Information Technology, Programming and Civil Engineering. From June 97 to Dec 2000 I was working as Consulting at the ECSoft Cooperation (now Cyber Ice) with e-business issues.

At the moment (2003), I am doing a Ph.D. at the School of Civil Engineering at The University of Nottingham in UK. My Ph.D. research at the School of Civil Engineering is concerning "Collaborative Construction Design Using Internet Technology".

I have special interest in city and Infrastructure planing, online collaboration & education, Computational Linguistic, standardisation of Kurdish scripting (alphabet) system, and the project of encyclopaedia of Kurdistan KURDISTANICA.

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