Fadhil M. Najib

Members of the editorial board

Prof. Fadhil Mohammed Najib (BSc, MSc, PhD)I was graduated in Chemistry from College of Education, Baghdad University, 1961. I obtained an MSc and a PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the University of London, 1975. I have worked as an academic member of staff in Suleimani, then Salahaddin Universities from 1975-1988, and finally in Kufa and Babylon till 1994 before returning to Suleimani University. Currently, I am a Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Suleimany, teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students in Analytical Chemistry. My main research focus is on the Determination of Halides with Ion-Selective Electrodes, and Flow-Injection Analysis as well as Trace Metal Analysis.

I have published in National and International Journals. Currently, I am the Chief Deputy of the "Journal of Zankoy Suleimani" and the Chief Editor of the" Kurdistan Academician Journal".

Contact Details:
Collage of Science
Department of Chemistry
University of Suleimani
Suleimani, Kurdistan
E-mail: fadhilmn@uae.us