Heewa Shwani

Members of the editorial board

Dr. Heewa Shwani (MBChB, DGS)I am a graduate of the College of Medicine, University of Mosul and specialised in general surgery. Currently, I work in Azadi General Hospital of Kirkuk.I have a research interest in the surgical management of thyroid gland diseases. I am a member of the Head of the scientific committee of the Kirkuk-based Kurdistan Medical Society (KMS). I am also the Editorial Director of “Zanist”, a medical journal published quarterly by KMS.

Contact Details:

Dr. Heewa Mohammed Kareem Shwani

Specialist general surgeon

Department of General Surgery

Azadi General Hospital- Kirkuk

Head of Scientific committee

Kurdistan Medical Society (KMS)

Kirkuk - Kurdistan - IRAQ

Tel: 07701301081 (Local Mobile)

E-mail: drheewashwani@yahoo.com