Pursuit Of Wealth

Pursuit of Wealth has been considered a vice and harmful in all cultures and societies, EXCEPT modern society. The harms of rejecting traditional wisdom can be seen in many dimensions, which are explored in different articles below. For additional components of core economic beliefs, see UNLEARNING ECONOMICS

If you want to understand yourself, and the society in which you live, than it is essential for you to understand the historical process by which this VICE (the pursuit of wealth) was transformed into a VIRTUE. Understanding this is the key to self-liberation, since the goals we pursue determines who we become. As human beings, we are created to be infinitely more precious than all the gold in the world -- pursuit of gold conceals and eventually destroys our human souls, and our possibilities of leading a fulfilling life. The fable of King Midas is a reminder of this eternal truth.

A central reference for this topic is R H Tawney: Religion and the Rise of Capitalism, one of the must reads for understanding these issues.

See also: Is Development the Accumulation of Wealth? Islamic Views.

The Pursuit of Wealth - Corrected Link to The News archives for this article 2009, Feb 12

The Evil of Craving for Wealth and Status - Translation of Hafiz Ibne Rajab, written ca 780 Hijri

Rich/Wealthy Families - Interesting essay in Marriage & Family Encyclopedia about the unpleasant effects of wealth on families.

Pursuit of Wealth: Expanded Version - Draft of an expanded version with references and details, of the brief essays on this topic published in newspapers

Poverty and Hunger - Some materials on these topics

Many Ideas for Research Project on the Pursuit of Wealth - Links to open research projects on legitimization of POW

Legitimization of the Pursuit of Wealth - The historical process whereby this vice was turned into a virtue, described in Lecture 8 of course on Islamic Economics

Greed and the Financial Crisis - Source Materials on links between greed and the financial crisis

For the Love of Money - A Wall Street Broker describes how he overcame his love for money. Something we all need to do, to enjoy the richness of life

Failures of the Invisible Hand - Paper shows that main claims related to Invisible Hand (cited as core of economics by Mankiw) -- are wrong.

Evolution of Secular Thought - Describes European transition to secular thought and its effects in various dimensions, including promotion of greed.

Capitalism in Crisis - Consequences of letting greed dominate

Capitalism, Plutonomy, and the Pursuit of Wealth - Published in The Express Tribune, August 31st, 2015. Capitalism creates and authorized greed, which leads to a plutonomy, with highly damaging effects to society

Alternative theories of development - not wealth, but HUMAN development