Literature Survey

A list of different (earlier) versions of this literature survey is given HERE.

Islamic Economics: A Survey of the Literature, Working Paper 22, Religion and Development Project, Birmingham University. attached below- or download from R&D website

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A slightly revised version is being published (in three parts) in the journal Islamic Studies.

The Islamic Studies version has been revised and slightly updated, and is due to be published as a book shorty (in 2013). A preliminary version of the BOOK.

References cited in the article are listed, and links to downloadable versions are provided here:

References ABCD

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References are listed here. A separate webpage provides earlier versions and also some of the references and links to those available on the inernet.

1. Preface. 6

1.1 Self-knowledge and knowledge of others. 6

1.2 Contrasting historical experiences with religion. 7

1.3 The transition to secular thought and its consequences. 8

1.4 The emergence of economics in Europe. 8

1.5 Outline of the paper 8

2 The origins of Islamic economics. 8

2.1 Historical roots of Islamic economics. 8

2.2 Emergence of Islamic economics in the post-colonial era. 8

3. Fundamentals of an Islamic economic system.. 8

3.1 The Islamic view of human beings. 8

3.2 Wealth and freedom.. 8

3.3 Contrasting principles of Islamic and neoclassical economics. 8

3.4 Detached observation vs. passionate engagement 8

4 The framework: Shari’ah or Islamic law.. 8

4.1 Objectives of the Shari’ah. 8

4.2 Property rights. 8

4.3 Islamic rules of business. 8

4.4 Labour 8

5. Islamic states. 8

5.1 Political structure. 8

5.2 Public finance. 8

5.3 Justice. 8

5.4 Economic security and welfare. 8

5.5 Other functions of an Islamic state. 8

6 The role of Islamic institutions. 8

6.1 Islamic financial institutions. 8

6.2 Takaful (insurance) 8

6.3 Waqf (endowment/trust) 8

6.4 Hisbah (audit or accountability) 8

6.5 Environmental protection, ecology and natural resources. 8

7 The role of Muslim individuals. 8

8 Concluding remarks. 8

References. 8

Summary & Abstract

A central thesis of this paper is that social science is the study of human experience, and hence is strongly conditioned by history. Modern Western political, economic and social structures have emerged as a consequence of the repudiation of religion associated with the Enlightenment and are based on secular principles. Many of these are inimical to Islamic principles, and cannot be adapted to an Islamic society. Muslim societies achieved freedom from colonial rule in the first half of the twentieth century and have sought to construct institutions in conformity with Islam. The development of Islamic economics is part of this process of transition away from Western colonial institutions. This paper is a survey of the literature on Islamic economics, which focuses on the contrasts between Western economic theories and Islamic approaches to the organization of economic affairs.

Neoclassical theory is centred around the acquisitive instinct of humans and makes competition the driving force of economic analysis. Islamic approaches foster cooperation and encourage generosity as the fundamental principle for handling economic affairs. Human beings have potential for good and evil, and are free to choose between the two; their behaviour is not subject to the mathematical laws postulated by neoclassical economic theory. The main message of Islam is that we must strive to achieve the potential for good at both the individual and social levels. Behaviour in the economic realm is also governed by this goal.

Islamic law (Shari’ah) provides the framework for all activity within an Islamic society. In the economic domain, Islamic law regulates both methods by which money may be earned and also the ways it may be spent. Acquisition of wealth is permissible only in ways that are just to all the parties concerned; exploitation, arbitrary taxation, and individual profit resulting in social harm is not permissible in Islamic law. This puts numerous restrictions on business practices utilized to make a profit. For example, polluting the environment or selling products that lead to moral corruption are not permissible in Islamic law. Wealth that has been acquired becomes private property, which is, according to Islamic concepts, both a trust and a test. The ‘trust’ aspect means that property must be used in ways beneficial to the individual and society. The ‘test’ aspect means that those who have more than they need are required to take care of those who are in need. Ways in which acquired wealth can be spent is also subject to Islamic law. People are expected to strive to be self-sufficient and not ask from others. Thus striving to acquire wealth and spending it on personal and family needs is encouraged. Islam does not preach austerity and encourages a comfortable standard of living. At the same time, it strongly discourages spending on idle desires, luxuries, and ostentation. There is also a strong encouragement to spend what is beyond one’s needs on social welfare.

These fundamental principles for acquiring wealth, using property (acquired wealth) and spending it impact on all realms of economic activity. Since these are substantially different from Western ideas in all three areas, there are substantial contrasts between Western economic institutions and Islamic ones. The paper traces out these differences in many realms of economic activity. The primary objective of an Islamic state is to provide justice, and Islamic public finance is concerned with tracing the concrete implications of this abstraction in the economic realm. Western financial institutions have the acquisition and multiplication of wealth as their prime objective. Since acquisition of wealth can only be a means to an end, these institutions require modification in an Islamic society. Similarly, Islamic imperatives for social welfare require construction of certain uniquely Islamic types of institutions that do not have counterparts in the West. The paper discusses these issues in some detail.