Capitalism in Crisis: Causes & Consequences

MAIN PAGE for this topic: Capitalism in Crisis:

A Talk at Indonesia's Bank Indonesia's Islamic Banking Research Forum: [Jakarta Link]

“Crisis in Capitalism: Causes and Consequences,” talks at Padjajaran University, Bandung, and University of Indonesia, Jakarta, and at Ibn-e-Khaldun University, Bogor, 16th& 17th Dec, 2011.

Powerpoint of the presentation, together with MP3 Sound Files, which provide the accompanying talk for each slide, are available for download below. This is a revised and updated version of the original talk.

invitation from Rifki Ismal, Bank of Indonesia:

I am writting this email to you on behalf of Bank Indonesia because we insha Allah plan to arrange the event called “Bank Indonesia’s Islamic Banking Research Forum (FRPS)” on December 15-16, 2011. The forum is established by Bank Indonesia to facilitate the academias and researchers to present their best-awarded research papers on Islamic finance and economics.

The competetion for best call for papers is national-wide and the participants of the forum are from the universities all over the country. The audience will be professors, senior students and Islamic bankers, targeted ­300 audiences. The venue of this year ‘FRPS’ will be at University of Padjajaran, in the City of Bandung - West Java, Indonesia (

The main agendas of the forum are: (i) prominent scholar lectures, (ii) professorship lecture (by local professor on islamic finance, and (iii) presentation of research papers.

Regarding this event, we would like to humbly invite you to be one of the prominent (world) scholars in the field to speak a topic about Islamic economics/finance/banking. We do hope to learn a lot from your expertise, knowledge and experience on Islamic economics/banking and finance and we would be very please if you could kindly accept our invitation and come to Indonesia.