Lecture 5: Rebuilding Islamic Societies

Just as a market economy functions within a market society, so an Islamic Economy functions within an Islamic Society. To create an Islamic economic system requires the creation of an Islamic society. However, this does not mean that we postpone our efforts to create an Islamic Economy because the society is not Islamic. Rather, the creation of an Islamic Economic system is part of the effort that is needed to create an Islamic Society. How this can be done is the subject of this lecture.

Video Lectures on this topic in Maybe Fall 2011 Faculty Course?? (not ciie2012) at IIIE, IIUI:

1. CIIE2012 L5A: Rebuilding Islamic Societies

2. CIIE2012 L5B: Rebuilding Islamic Societies

3. CIIE2012 L5C: Rebuilding Islamic Societies

4. CIIE2012 L5D: Rebuilding Islamic Societies

Audio Lecture on Rebuiliding Islamic Societies This is Lecture 13 of CIIE 2012

See also: bit.do/azris for a post on Islamic WorldView Blog which attempts to organize all this material

Another Audio Lecture on RIS - From CIIE Fall 2011 Lecture 5 - downloaded as Lec6 -- Material on RIS from 55m to 1:55m can cut and creat slides, this one is in ENGLISH - but diluted.

Urdu Essays: Islami Muashere ki T'aamer e Nau - Inpage file, plus other related essays and links

RIS4 on Scribd - English Paper stored on SCRIBD

Islami Muashere Ki Tameere Nau - - Urdu Version on SCRIBD

CIIE2012 L05a Rebuilding An Islamic Society 1/4 - Urdu Lecture Video (different from audio mp3)

Audio Lecture in Urdu - IIIE 2011 Fac? Class Audio Recording 1hr 27m