
Islamic Economics: A Survey of the Literature | Show Abstract | Download This Paper | Open PDF in Browser |

University of Birmingham: Religions and Development Research Programme, Working Paper No. 22

Number of Pages in PDF File: 158

The Rise and Fall of the Market Economy | Show Abstract | Download This Paper | Open PDF in Browser |

Review of Islamic Economics, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2010, pp. 123-155

Number of Pages in PDF File: 33

The Origins of Western Social Sciences | Show Abstract | Download This Paper | Open PDF in Browser |

Journal of Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 9-22, 2009

Number of Pages in PDF File: 13


Deification of Science and Its Disastrous Consequences | Show Abstract | Download This Paper |Open PDF in Browser |

Forthcoming, International Journal for Pluralism in Economics Education

Number of Pages in PDF File: 19

Islam versus Economics | Show Abstract | Download This Paper | Open PDF in Browser |

pre-publication Draft: Chapter 2 in Handbook on Islam and Economic LIfe, edited by Kabir Hassan and Mervyn Lewis, Edward Elgar Press, (2015).

Number of Pages in PDF File: 2

Logical Positivism and Islamic Economics | Show Abstract | Download This Paper | Open PDF in Browser |

International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, Vol 21, No. 2, pp1-18. published by International Islamic University of Malaysia

Number of Pages in PDF File: 24

Towards a New Paradigm for Economics | Show Abstract | Download This Paper | Open PDF in Browser |

Journal of Islamic Economics, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 49-59, 2005

Number of Pages in PDF File: 7

The Normative Foundations of Scarcity | Show Abstract | Download This Paper | Open PDF in Browser |

Number of Pages in PDF File: 21


Building Genuine Islamic Financial Institutions | Show Abstract | Download This Paper | Open PDF in Browser |

Presented at Conference on: Economics and Ethics” organized by the Center for Islamic Legislation and Ethics (CILE) in Doha, Qatar on the 10-12 of June 2014., Presented at 3rd International Conference on Islamic Business & Finance, at Riphah University, Islamabad, Pakistan on Feb 10-11, 2014

Number of Pages in PDF File: 18

Re-Defining Islamic Economics | Show Abstract | Download This Paper | Open PDF in Browser |

Presented at workshop on “Basic Concepts and Thoughts in Islamic Economics” held in Istanbul during 1-3 March 2013., To appear as chapter in Islamic Economics: Basic Concepts, New Thinking and Future Directions, editors Taha Egri & Necmettin Kizilkaya, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015

Number of Pages in PDF File: 28

Is Development Accumulation of Wealth? Islamic Views | Show Abstract | Download This Paper |Open PDF in Browser |

Afro Eurasian Studies, 2013

Number of Pages in PDF File: 48