
Course: Mobile Robotics

Fall 2014 Semester

Instructor: Dr. rer. nat. Yasir Niaz Khan

Grading, Ranking, Project

Lectures: Monday and Friday 11:30-12:50 (room New-3)

Office: in LIBERTY Lab for Robotics and Embedded Systems (New Block - ground floor).

Course Outline:

    1. Introduction
    2. Mathematical Foundations
    3. Kinematic modeling of wheel-driven mobile robots
    4. Modeling of flying robots
    5. Bayes Rule and Particle Filters
    6. Environment Mapping
    7. Localization
    8. SLAM
    9. Motion Planning
    10. Path Planning
    11. Navigation, Path following and Collision avoidance
    12. Exploration
    13. Robot Vision

Reference Texts:

    • Handbook of Robotics, Siciliano, Bruno; Khatib, Oussama. Springer. (Ch 1,17,44,46 and Part C & E)
    • Probabilistic Robotics, Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox, MIT Press.
    • Introduction to Robotics, Ph. J. McKerrow, Addison-Wesley


Project: 10

Quizzes & Assignments: 20

Midterm 25

Final: 45

  • Assignment-2
  • Lecture slides present at: \\xeon\Faculty\Dr. Yasir Niaz\Teaching\MobileRobots2014