Course: Mobile Robotics
Course: Mobile Robotics
Fall 2014 Semester
Fall 2014 Semester
Instructor: Dr. rer. nat. Yasir Niaz Khan
Instructor: Dr. rer. nat. Yasir Niaz Khan
Grading, Ranking, Project
Lectures: Monday and Friday 11:30-12:50 (room New-3)
Office: in LIBERTY Lab for Robotics and Embedded Systems (New Block - ground floor).
Course Outline:
Course Outline:
- Introduction
- Mathematical Foundations
- Kinematic modeling of wheel-driven mobile robots
- Modeling of flying robots
- Bayes Rule and Particle Filters
- Environment Mapping
- Localization
- Motion Planning
- Path Planning
- Navigation, Path following and Collision avoidance
- Exploration
- Robot Vision
Reference Texts:
Reference Texts:
- Handbook of Robotics, Siciliano, Bruno; Khatib, Oussama. Springer. (Ch 1,17,44,46 and Part C & E)
- Probabilistic Robotics, Sebastian Thrun, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox, MIT Press.
- Introduction to Robotics, Ph. J. McKerrow, Addison-Wesley
Project: 10
Quizzes & Assignments: 20
Midterm 25
Final: 45
- Assignment-2
- Lecture slides present at: \\xeon\Faculty\Dr. Yasir Niaz\Teaching\MobileRobots2014