Do we really want Christianity to be abolished?

Post date: Jan 19, 2016 11:28:09 PM

If atheism is true, why do atheists sacrifice so much of their time and energy trying to convince Christians that their worldview (religion, philosophy) is false? What benefit does the atheist have? What harm is there for Christians to continue believing in their religion? The Jesus that Christians believe in has motivated many to either establish, contribute to, or advance many benefits that we take for granted including a high regard of human life; compassion and mercy on others; humanitarian aid; universities and education to common people; democratic government and civil liberties; economics; science; work ethic; family; personal responsibility for one's actions; health and medicine; morality and justice; arts and music; hospitals; abolition of slavery (e.g. William Wilberforce); communication and languages, etc. What motivation would Christians have to continue helping others, if Jesus was not really God, if all people are not created in God's own image, etc.? If atheists succeeded in “deconverting” Christians, who would be left to establish, advance, contribute to and continue the above areas? Atheists need Christians more than Christians need atheists. Society now more than ever is trying to destroy the Christian Church. Society wants the benefits and help of the Church without the church, material benefits without religion or moral absolutes. Again, what harm is there for Christians to continue believing in their religion? It is foolish for Atheists to try to destroy Christianity.

On the other hand, if atheism is false, then it makes sense for Christians to sacrifice their time and energy trying to convince Atheists that their worldview (religion, philosophy) is false!

If Jesus Christ had never been born, nearly every facet of human life would be much more miserable than it is today. All of the benefits to humankind, would never have occurred had Jesus Christ not lived and they would suffer greatly if Christianity is proven to be false. Many of the benefits that Christians and non-Christians enjoy have their origin and motivation in Christianity.

See “What if Jesus Had Never Been Born?

