First Easter

The First Easter: Jesus' Resurrection

by Peter U

I. Introduction

A. Jesus had told His disciples on various occasions about His future death and resurrection and with great detail.

1) but they still believed that Christ was going to overthrow the Romans and establish an earthly


2) when Jesus was crucified, they lost all hope

3) the men were hiding but the women were willing to go to the temple

B. The Resurrection is foundational to our Christian faith

1) 4 main lines of evidence-for-the-resurrection

a) Empty Tomb

b) Appearances

c) Martyrdom of the Apostles

d) No other good explanation

II. What Happened When Jesus Resurrected

A. reunion of His personhood (image of God) and immaterial parts of His human nature with His body

that was glorified (Rom 8:11)

1. new body never to die again (Luke 24:5-6; Act 2:24, 32; 26:23; Rev 1:18)

2. divinely directed (Gal 1:1; John 2:19; 10:18)

3. physical (Luke 24:36-40; 1Cor 15:3-4)

a) He died physically and rose again physically

b) His body was changed, glorified and made alive and reunited with personhood, soul,


c) Jesus showed His hands and feet (Lk 24:39; 1John 1:1), He ate (Lk 24:41-43; Act 10:41)

4. unique (1Cor 15:23; Rev 1:18)

a) Jesus was the first to be restored to physical life with a reconstituted glorified body, never to die again (Act 26:23; Rom 6:9)

b) Lazarus and others had been restored to natural life but not glorified, they died again

(2King 4:32-37; Mk 5:35-43)

c) Jesus was a first fruit (1Cor 15:23) and preview of future resurrection of believers (John 14:19)

1) an example and guarantee of more to come (Ex 23:16; Rom 8:23)

B. Importance

1. proves the Father's satisfaction with what Jesus did (Act 2:22-24)

2. mark of His divine Sonship (Rom 1:4) and his human messiahship (Act 2:36)

a) greatest sign to Israel (John 2:18-21)

3. Jesus will forever posses His complete human nature and be the God-Man (1Tim 2:5)

4. gave value and force to His atoning work on the cross (1Cor 15:14-20)

a) if He had not risen, then His death would not save sinners and believers would be lost

b) activated all that He died for

5. made possible for believers to have new spiritual life and power (John 14:19-20; Rom 6:4...)

6. gave believers a living hope for His return (1Pet 1:3, 13; Tit 2:13)

7. guaranteed resurrection of believers (1Cor 15:20-23)

8. made possible the Church and God indwelling believers

9. defeated His enemies

a) before, Satan had power of death, inflicting and ruling where dead unsaved lived

(Act 2:24; Heb 2:14...)

10. He conquered power of sin (Rom 8:2, 6, 10, 13)

a) believers can now say “no” to sin

11. guarantees the resurrection and judgment of unsaved (John 5:28-29; Act 17:31)

12. proves the gospel is true, salvation is available to all (Rom 10:9; 1Cor 15:14-20)

a) no one who rejects the truth of resurrection is saved

III. Application

A. Do you really believe Jesus died and rose again physically? Why?

B. The Resurrection proves how much God loves us as the crucifixion proves how much God hates sin.

C. Mary and the other women were blessed for seeking and making time for Jesus. Do you seek and make time for Him?

D. Jesus' resurrection gives us hope in this life and for eternity. Do you have hope?

E. The Same Power, the Holy Spirit, who rose Jesus from the dead lives in us who believe. We now have the power to conquer sin and obey God (Eph 1:19-20). Do I really believe these things to be true?

F. Would you like to have assurance of eternity in heaven and real satisfaction and meaning in life? Only those who have believed Jesus' truth claims (who He is, what He did, and why) are promised these.


1. Practical Christian Theology: Floyd H. Barackman—PCT

2. The Resurrection of The Christ: A Biblical Guide by Greg Laurie

See Also:

1. Evidence for the Resurrection

2. Evidences for the Resurrection

3. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ