Grade 8 Information

Welcome Grade 8 students who will start attending Woburn Collegiate Institute in the 2024-2025 school year.

Woburn CI Open House -  Thursday November 23, 2023

Woburn Collegiate Institute will be hosting its annual Grade 8 “Open House” on Thurs, Nov. 23, 2023.

Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm.

This year Woburn will host an in-person presentation during which families will have the opportunity to learn about the school and all that it has to offer. 

Programming will include:

Please click below to view the different presentations

Grade 8 Parent Info and Open House 2023.pdf


To support our Grade 8 students and families, the TDSB will be hosting a series of Preparing for High School Information Sessions.  Students and families from any grade are welcome to attend. 

The Grade 8 to Grade 9 Transition Webinar Information Session on November 1, 2023. This session will focus on the Top 10 Tips and Considerations in the Transition to High School. This presentation is designed to augment the work already taking place through secondary open houses and at the Grade 8 schools. 

 Preparing for High School Session 

November 1, 2023


Link to Register 

Grade 8 to Grade 9 Transition

For more information about the programs available at schools across the TDSB, families are encouraged to attend the schools’ Open Houses and Information Sessions

For more information about transitioning from Grade 8 to 9 in the TDSB, please visit