Applying to Post Secondary 

If you are thinking about apprenticeship, college or university as a destination for September 2024, please review our "Applying to Post Secondary" presentation. It will give you some great reasons for choosing an apprenticeship, college and/or university program and will walk you through what you will need to do throughout the year to complete your post secondary applications. 

Applying to Post Secondary 2023-2024.pptx (1).pdf

Woburn is hosting an in-person post-secondary information fair on October 16th

Grade 11 and 12s are invited to attend with their parent/guardians.

The panel presentation will begin at 6:00pm. 

After the presentation there will be a fair in the cafeteria where post secondary representatives will be in attendance to answer your questions. 

Please use our selection of viewbooks, campus tours, open houses, and info presentations - for Ontario apprenticeship, colleges and universities to begin/continue your research on post-secondary destinations.