Parish Council

Winterbourne Steepleton Parish Council Minute Book  (précis notes from 1894 - 1980)

Extracted and made by Richard Crumbleholme July 2003. The Minute Book is now lodged in the Dorset History Centre, Bridport Road, Dorchester.

NB : These notes are for general local history interest only. (They end at 1980) 

                            4th December 1894    First meeting held in the schoolroom at 7pm  (i.e. At the present Old Rectory)

        Present Rev W F Cornick; H Stilwell Esq; Mupr Elford (overseer); H Lake; Chilcott; F Bartley; and others.    

        Mr Henry Stilwell elected chairman.                     Overseers appointed.

                            25th March 1895        meeting held in schoolroom Henry Stilwell remains in the chair

                            24th March 1896        meeting held in schoolroom Henry Stilwell remains in the chair

                            26th March 1897        meeting held in old Steepleton school room   Henry Stilwell remains in the chair

(Note is this the date that the school closed ?)

                            24th April 1897           Meeting held to appoint an assistant overseer for the parish

                            24th March 1898        Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                            27th March 1899        Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                                    Overseers :      Mr John Allen of Boxenhedge Farm

                                                          Mr William George House of Steepleton Mill

                            27th March 1900        Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

Mr W G House had left the parish so Mr Lake was voted in as an overseer. Mr Pearce was to remain as assistant overseer.  Rev W F Cornick & Mr H Stilwell were elected as parish representatives for local sub committee for the Technical Institutation.

                            25th March 1901        Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                            31st March 1902         Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                            25th March 1904        Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                            28th March 1906        Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                            23rd March 1908        Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                            18th March 1909        Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                            21st March 1910         Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                            17th March 1911        Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                            1st April 1912             Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                            20th March 1913        Meeting held (where ?) Mr Stilwell re-elected as Chairman.

                        Mr Allen elected as representative on committee of school managers (represented Abbas already)

                            (Note : Mr Stilwell had served as Chairman from 1894 to 1913 -  19 years)

                            30th March 1914   Meeting held in old schoolroom. Rev W F Cornick elected as chairman. Chairman requested by overseers Mr J Allen and Mr L Bowditch to write to Mr Pearce (assistant overseer) to inform him that they would taking over collecting the rates.

30th March 1915         Meeting held in old school room. Rev W F Cornick re-elected.

                              31st March 1916         Meeting held in old school room. Rev T F Bull (curate in charge) was elected as chairman

                              15th March 1917            Meeting held in old school room Rev T F Bull re-elected.

            National service – Circular from the Director General

          After discussion, it was unanimously agreed that every male over 16 years of age is already fully employed in the best and most suitable  form of National Service

          War Savings Association – it was decided that a small community such as Steepleton could not form such a group.

          Poorlands at Blagdon – the chairman would write to Major Stilwell asking him to consider exchange of these lands for others more convenient in the parish.

25th March 1918   Meeting held (where ?) Rev A E Negus elected as chairman.

Meeting held at the Winterbourne schoolroom to consider a letter from Dorchester Rural Council asking how many additional houses are required in the parish – provision of 120 in whole rural district. It was agreed that six houses would be requested with each one having a quarter of an acre of land and that the houses were not “tied” but let directly to the occupiers.

 30th March 1919   Although due notice held been given only the chairman and Mr Burch turned up...”So no quorum could be formed & therefore the meeting fell to the ground”

 30th March 1920   Meeting held in old school room. Rev Negus re-elected as chairman

 22nd March 1921        Meeting held in old school room. Major K R Balfour elected as chairman

                            A question was raised regarding voter’s lists being posted in the church doorway

    A further question was asked regarding reports of school attendance officer as accounts of illness now rife in the village amongst the children.

12th Sept 1921            Meeting held in old school room.

 Mr Pearce assistant overseer was forced to resign on medical grounds. Discussion regarding a right of way behind the mill 

20th March 1922        Meeting held in old school room. Rector A E Negus elected as chairman

   Public way of way running besides the mill stream had been unblocked. The halter path leading up over the North field remained blocked by Major Balfour to prevent Mr Allen’s cows from trespassing.

23rd March 1923   Meeting held in old school room. This meeting had been adjourned from the previous Thursday due to the absence of the minute book.  The Rector (Rev S S Pearce) undertook to find it. The rector was elected as chairman.

23rd March 1924          Meeting held in old school room. The Rev S S Pearce was re-elected as Chairman. It was agreed that the road between Mr Gale and Mr House dwellings be completed.

 10th March 1925        

Meeting held in old school room. . The Rev S S Pearce was re-elected as Chairman. Major Balfour said that the road leading from Martinstown to Abbas which passes this parish is a source of danger and many accidents occur in consequence of the 5 sharp corners in or near this parish. He proposed that urgent steps be taken to widen and cutting off the corners. A copy to be forwarded to the District and dept of Transport.

It was also proposed that the County Education Authority be made aware of the 2 mile journey that children living at Rew Cottages have to walk to the school in Abbas and that suitable transport be arranged for them

Major Balfour also having been informed that the telephone wire is to be brought from Dorchester – Bridport road proposed that it is also brought through this parish in order to give the isolated parish the advantages of telephonic communication. A letter to be sent to the Post Master General and local Post Office.

23rd March 1926       Meeting held in old school room.

                               Letters read out from Education Dept & Post Office (no details)

23rd March 1927        Meeting held in old school. It was noted that during the past year the telephone service to the district had been installed

30th April 1928           Meeting held in old school room. Major Balfour was elected chairman.

31st March 1930         Meeting held in old school room. Major Balfour was re-elected as Chairman  

 1) It was agreed that the District Council should be urged to provide more housing accommodation in the village, the land having already been acquired.

 2) It was agreed that “ This meeting having had brought to their notice the danger incurred by local inhabitants on dark nights failing to see the dwarf wall protecting the stream alongside the road between the Rectory and the church, whereby at least 5 people have injured themselves within the last year” the County Council would be requested to erect a handrail along this portion of the wall.

3) It was agreed….”That in view of the discomfort caused and danger to school children’s health by the overflowing of the river especially where it flows into the upper pond in the winter” the county council be requested to place a sloping concrete wall by the drinking place in order to prevent the flow of water down the road and also generally to survey the cause of the storm flow of water in front of the 4 cottages opposite the lower pond also the flooding of the road opposite the rows of cottages lower down and opposite Champs Barn.

4) It was also proposed that the local authority should be requested to give early attention to the question of disposal of rubbish and old tins now scattered along the banks of the river near the ponds which causes a great eyesore and an insantary nuisance

 4 April 1932      Meeting held in old school room. Lt Col Balfour elected as chairman.

It was reported that 5 council cottages had been built and occupied from 1st March 1932.and that refuse lorries came round on the District Councl’s order every alternate Monday. It was agreed that Abbas and Steepleton would have one district councillor instead of two.

1933                            No parish meeting was held as there was no business to discuss 

15th March 1934   Meeting held in old school room – now called the “Rectory Barn” Lt Col Balfour elected as chairman.

 A letter from the District Council had been received asking about Rights of Way in the parishes (following the Act of 1932). After much discussion the following were agreed :

1)    A pathway starting at Abbas churchyard and leading to the Poor Lots by Big Wood Lodge Bridehead Road along the boundary hedge of Parish

2)    A grass road from Loscombe Plantation to the same Poor Lots and White Stile

3)    A bridle path from Smitten corner near Hardy’s Monument to the gravel pits on Winterbourne Abbotsbury Road and to Northfield Plantation.

4)    A footpath from Loscombe Plantation to Smitten Corner (96 114 113 OS map)

5)    A footpath from Champs Barn through N97 105 E121 on OS map

6)    A right of way from Whitway Knap through 64 65 along N Hill Plantation 53 & 56 by New barn to cross roads at Dorchester Bridport & Roman Roads. This path was used to go to Bradford

7)    Footpath from Old Mill to Lower Mill pond along north side of water carrier.

8)    Pathway from old mill across N Hill through Nos 48.17 & across 56 & 3 to the Roman Road.

Note : Mr P Williams of Bridehead in a letter of 8th March 1934 admitted the right of  way of No 1 & 2

Mr Corbett admitted No 3 & Col Blafour admitted No 7.

No 4 being in doubt was voted 9 to 2 against. Mr Palmer asserted he had used path No 6 for 33 years,

The village pound near the lower pond was discussed. It had been made a dumping ground for rubbish. It was decided to erect a notice board advising people of the consequences if they persisted. NB A letter from Dorchester Rural Council 20/3/1934 to Lt Col Balfour (of Steepleton Manor) confirmed that the pound was vested in the parish.

1st April 1935  Meeting held at the Rectory Hall. Lt Col Balfour elected as chairman.

Discussion held on how to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of King George in the parish. It was agreed that 11th May would be day when a supper and dance would be held for the adults and a tea for the juniors. It was hoped that a tent and band would be engaged and the event held in the grounds of Steepleton Manor.

14th April 1936   Meeting held at the Rectory Hall. Lt Col Balfour elected as chairman.

 It was agreed to write to all concerned “That this meeting desires to call the attention of the Roads and Bridges committee of Dorset County Council to the constant flooding of the main road from Boxen Hedge Farm to the Diary House (Legg) at Steepleton and asks that means may be taken to keep the road dryer especially having regard to the number of young children who have to attend school and who must use this road”

13th November 1936  A meeting was held at the Rectory Hall. to elect a new chairman in place of the late Lt Col Balfour who died in September. Mrs Balfour was elected (paper slips being used to elect Mrs Balfour 11 against 2 for Rev Trask).

It was decided on the suggestion of Rev Trask that enquiries be made about lectures or classes in first aid in possible gas attacks in co-operation with W Abbas.

7th April 1937             Meeting held at the Rectory Hall. Rev Trask was elected as chairman. Air raid precautions – it was agreed to co-operate with W abbas in the formation of any scheme and the Rev Trask was elected to act as Air Warden to give the alarm and circulate warnings where possible by telephone on receipt of information from area HQ.

21st April 1939           Meeting held at the Rectory Barn. Rev Trask was re-elected as chairman. No business arose in 1938 – no meeting.

Major R G Warren, District Air Raid Warden addressed the meeting on the necessary organisation and precautions in the event of enemy raids. A further meeting was arranged to include W Abbas & to make final arrangements.

21st May 1940            Meeting held at the Rectory Barn. Rev Trask was re-elected as chairman.

Steepleton Poor Lots was discussed. A letter from Mr Corbett disclaimed any encroachment by ploughing on his adjoining land. This was agreed.

The boundary stone between Steepleton and Little Bredy had been removed (it had stood about 25 yards east of the north apex of the lots.and had nothing to do with the lots themselves. The chairman agreed to make enquiries.

Mrs Balfour drew attention to the salvage of waste materials in Wartime and a list of materials especially needed was read.

Mrs Balfour as a member of the County Council agreed to look into the questions of the care of No 3 lot in the gardens of the council houses and the raising of the road level in front of the Withybed cottages.

12th March 1943        Meeting held at the Rectory Barn. Rev Trask was re-elected as chairman.

 Need for continuing the salvage of waste was noted.

                         A letter from RD Council asking about the need for agricultural housing in the area.. A reply was to be made that 8 were needed with the sites being next to the council houses.

It was understood that the water supply for the whole village was to be introduced as soon as the labour was available after the war.

                        The chairman would approach the RD Council for improving the approach to the council houses owing to the difficulty in bringing furniture, coal etc. 

                        He was also to request that these houses were wired for electricity as the cable had already been brought there and was suitable for light and cooking.

18th April 1944           Meeting held at the Rectory Barn. Rev Trask was re-elected as chairman.

The chairman reported that nothing would be done about the new housing or access to existing houses until after the war

In order to organise the “Salute the Soldier Week” it was agreed to arrange a joint meeting with W Abbas.

Fire watching – the situation in connection with civil defence was brought up to date.

Mrs Balfour who was acting as receiver of salvage materials stressed the need to maintain and increase this if possible especially paper and brass.

                        The chairman referred to the need to note any closing of footpaths etc so that they could be available again after the war.

28th March 1946        Meeting held at the Rectory Barn. Mr E Biggs was elected as chairman.

Mrs Balfour said that she would be leaving the parish and could no longer be responsible for the salvage collection. Paper was still much needed due to the Dollar exchange and would be collected on alternative Wednesdays in sacks provided by the RD council.

As the war was now over, it was agreed that the chairman would approach the RD Council again with regard to new council housing, access to existing houses. He would also ask Major Warren (RDC) about the proposed water supply to the valley

It was decided to hold a joint meeting with W Abbas to discuss forming a joint parish council.

It was agreed that the time was not right to hold a Victory Celebration

30th September 1952 Meeting held at the Rectory, meetings having been in abeyance since 1946.Rev Trask was elected as chairman.

The rights of way were discussed as the County Council were carrying out a survey under government instructions. Mr Thorne (from DCC) gave some interesting information regarding this matter and was able to prepare the necessary mapping of the foot and bridle paths.


2nd April 1957            Meeting held at the Rectory. Rev Trask was re-elected as chairman. The main purpose of the meeting was to elect a member for the school management committee. Mrs Langford was elected. The rector gave a cheque for one shilling from the S E board to Mrs Langford as secretary of Steepleton PCC to spend on stationery.


4th December 1969    Meeting held at the Rectory Barn. Rev Cribb was re-elected as chairman with Mr Crosthwaite as Clerk.

Commons Registration – it was agreed that Mr R Shepherd would apply for registration of Steepleton Poor Lot as common land before 1st January 1970.

Reports had reached members regarding a main sewerage scheme to include W Abbas and part of W Steepleton to Bourne Mead council houses only. Mr G Allen reported that he had been told that his enquiries had been premature as various schemes were being considered. One proposal involved the sinking of a large tank below ground at Bournemead and effluent would be discharged into the stream.

Mr Broom said he had been approached about the use of his water meadows if the scheme was extended to Martinstown.

Mr E Biggs (RDC member) said that there was an estimate for the coming year for a sewage scheme but that Martinstown did not want the sewer. Mr Reeves (also clerk to Martinstown) said that there was nothing in the minutes to support this view.

Mr G Allen said that the Water Authority objected to the scheme as there is insufficient water which would entail pipe connections with the Frome.

Doubts were expressed about the sufficiency of water in the W Abbas / Steepleton streams which Mr R Allen said came under the Manorial rights at Steepleton and control of Manor Farm.

Mr Biggs said that he did not think it right to try and prevent sewerage scheme proposals which should be extended to cover the whole of the two villages.

It was agreed that the RDC member would write to the Water Board asking that information about the sewage schemes be sent to the next meeting.

Housing – Mr G Allen believed that W Steepleton had been classified as a hamlet where no development is anticipated.Mr Biggs believed that there were plans to build more council houses. Mr Broom said that Mr Grienson wished to build on land not suitable for agriculture but had been refused permission. It was agreed that the County planning officer be invited to attend a meeting.

The chairman discussed the question of the county dump which he considered unsightly. Mr Broom said that the county rent the site for £1 pa. (where ?)


21st January 1970      Meeting held at the Manor W Steepleton. Rev Gibb chairman.

Letter from DCC Rights of Way –the clerk was appointed as liaison officer. Letter from RDC regarding collection of bulky rubbish – a suitable collection site was required.

Mr Cummins the area planning officer was present and explained that the village was classed in 1966 as Cat D. – applications connected with agriculture or forestry or local needs would be considered on its merits.


Mr Broom then gave a report on the sewage scheme – A survey had been undertaken in 1966 and a report issued in 1967 with a cost estimate of £180,000 for a scheme covering Abbas, Steepleton and Martinstown.There were problems with disposal and Martinstown were not keen at all. The situation was very urgent in Abbas. A new scheme had been costed at £18,000 to cover Abbas and Steepleton down to Steepleton Dairy Farm. To extend this to cover all houses to the Manor would cost an additional £8000. It was agreed that the meeting supported the scheme covering the whole village.


25th November 1970 Meeting held at the Manor W Steepleton. Rev Gibb chairman.

Sewage – plans were proceeding but it would be 6 months before a meeting would be called to explain the proposals.

Bulk rubbish – no site found but a temporary one at Bournemead garages was suggested.

Poor Lot – the DCC wanted this registered. The Ramblers Association wanted it registered as Common land. It was agreed to strongly object to this and it was agreed to write to the Forestry Commission.

There was no support for the Chairman’s suggestion that Abbas, Steepleton and Martinstown become one parish.

A vote of thanks was given to Mr & Mrs Morton for allowing the meeting to be held in the Manor.


29th November 1971  Meeting held in the Rectory Barn. Rev W H Gibb chairman.

Sewage – the clerk reported that the scheme was in the hands of the Ministry for loan sanction.

Poor Lot – after the objection lodged with DCC, the Ramblers Association had dropped their application to register it as common land.

Charity Scheme – A draft scheme had been received from the Charity commissioners and two trustees were required. Mr Roger Sturrock and George Allen were duly elected.

Joint council – it was agreed to form a joint parish council with W Abbas.

A definitive map showing bridleways and footpaths was discussed and a further meeting was agreed.

1st May 1973               Meeting held at Rectory Barn. Rev Gibb chairman.   

Sewage – It was understood that the scheme was approved and would start in the summer.

Poor Lot – the trustees had made enquiries and would advertise for rent or sale.

The joint council with W Abbas would consist of three members from each parish. Mr Allen (sen), Mr Roger Sturrock and Mr T Reeves were nominated for election

The chairman wished to resign and Mr Reeves was elected in his place. Discussion was held regarding a parish meeting board and Mr G allen offered to try and produce one. Permission was to be sought to site it near the gravel dump.

Group Parish of Abbas & Steepleton formed :

 June 1973 : The parishes of Winterbourne Abbas and Winterbourne Steepleton were originally governed by parish meetings and it was considered that the affairs of the villages might be better served by a Parish Council which could then raise its own finances.

                          After due process, a Parish Council was formally constituted with councillors from each village. 

                           The first meeting of the newly formed grouped parish council was held 

                           held in the Village School, Winterbourne Abbas on the 20th June 1973.

29th April 1975           Meeting held at the school in W Abbas. Mr Reeves re-elected as chairman.

It was considered that an area from the phone box to Whitway Farm be deemed as a conservation area and possibly Coombe Road in the future. The parish council would object to any development that did not blend in.

The Rights of Way map was discussed and some (2 & 10) appeared muddled.


6th April 1976   Meeting held at the school in W Abbas. Mr Reeves re-elected as chairman.

The Ramblers Association reported in a letter that path 9 was restricted. Liaison officer would approach landlord and report to DCC if not successful.

The condition of the river was discussed – apparently an overflow from the pond had been the way that effluent had got into the river. A letter was to be sent to Wessex Water. It was mentioned that the matter of the hatches was in solicitors hands and was not a matter for the parish council.

Water cress beds – the destruction of the trees was mentioned. It was reported that the area used to be a withy bed and that the area used to be the ponds for the mill and about 4 feet deep. It was understood that a planning application for the triangle had gone to appeal. It was considered that the area was at present an eyesore. It was also reported that that morning a notice had been put up to increase the number of houses from 4 to 6.

It was reported that opposite Pond Cottages the road was narrowed and should be reinstated. It was hoped that the Youth Club would help in clearing the village pond of rubbish.


9th May 1977    Meeting held at the school in W Abbas. Mr R Sturrock was elected as chairman.

Footpath 9 from Roman Road to Little Bredy was cleared but obstructed at the garage.

It was reported that the village hall which was owned by the Bridehead Estate would soon be no more. It was agreed that a replacement was not economically viable and that the school should be used instead.

The state of the dead trees in the copse next to Mr Whitty’s bridge was brought up. The clerk was to approach Mr Barber and report the council’s concerns.

                       Consideration was given to resiting the letterbox – this would be considered at next meeting.


24th April 1978  Meeting held at the school in W Abbas. Mr R Sturrock was re-elected as chairman.

Footpath 9 was now clear. Dead trees – most had been removed but a remaining one might be a hazard.

The parish council had approved the resiting of the postbox to Hamlands but Post Office had not yet agreed.

Mr R Allen noted that the land above Mr Brooms wood was now owned by Mr Eversden and that was now a style in place but there was barbed wire at Mr House’s end.

There might be canvassing by the Gas Board in Martinstown as gas was now on at Whitefriars in  W Abbas. It was noted that the W Abbas bypass was scheduled for the early 1980’s


30th April 1979  Meeting held at the school in W Abbas. Mr R G Allen was elected as chairman.

There was now an additional style (matters arising). Wasteland council will put in trees. S Slade to put on agenda of next meeting. It was noted that there were holes in the roads outside Cowsand, letterbox and slip road.

End of précis extract 

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