Body Perception: From the Inside Out and from the Outside In


Sally Linkenauger (MPI Biological Cybernetics), Betty Mohler (MPI Biological Cybernetics), and Hong Yu Wong (CIN)

October 17, 2011 start

Mondays 4.15 pm – 6 pm

MRZ Seminar Room, MPI Biological Cybernetics, Spemannstr. 41

Cross-listed in:

Max Planck Neural and Behavioral Grad School

Tuebingen Philosophy

This seminar will provide a comprehensive overview of contemporary issues in the understanding of body perception from the point of view of philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and the technological innovations involved. Themes include the role of the body in perception and action, multi-sensory integration, body ownership, interoception, experimental methods in the induction of unusual body experiences, methods for operationalizing body experiences, and how body perception is implicated in one’s sense of self. The seminar will also feature guest speakers.

Students taking the seminar are required to present one paper in the seminar and write a 3000 word essay on a topic related to one of the themes of the seminar.


  • Increase potential for both internal and external collaboration.

  • Training

  • Brainstorming

Specific Themes:

  • Special Neurological Cases

  • Tool use, Phantom Limbs, Prosthetic Limbs

  • Experiments investigating Body Perception

  • Philosophical discussions on Body Perception

We aim to provide Working Definitions for the following Notions:

  • Ownership

  • Agency

  • Self

  • Embodiment

  • Perception

Selected Literature:

J-M Normand, E Giannopoulos, B Spanlang, M Slater (2011) Multisensory Stimulation Can Induce an Illusion of Larger Belly Size in Immersive Virtual Reality PLoS ONE 6: 1. (see:

Multisensory Perception and Bodily Self-Consciousness: From Out-of-Body to Inside-Body Experience; J. E. Aspell, B. Lenggenhager, and O. Blanke see

* Dagmar has ordered us two books of this book chapter as it might be interesting for us.

Mohr, Christine, Rowe, Angela C., Blanke, Olaf The influence of sex and empathy on putting oneself in the shoes of others

British Journal of Psychology 101 (2) 277--291 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2044-8295

doi - 10.1348/000712609X457450

Rohde M, Di Luca M, Ernst MO, 2011 The Rubber Hand Illusion: Feeling of Ownership and Proprioceptive Drift Do Not Go Hand in Hand. PLoS ONE 6(6): e21659. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021659

Baier, B., & Karnath, H. O. (2008). Tight link between our sense of limb ownership

and self-awareness of actions. Stroke 39: 486–488.

Botvinick, M. & Cohen, J. D. (1998). Rubber hand ‘feels’ what eyes see. Nature 391: 756.

Kammers, M. P., de Vignemont, F., Verhagen, L., & Dijkerman, H. C. (2009). The rubber hand illusion in action. Neuropsychologia 47: 204–211.

Linkenauger, S.A., Ramenzoni, V. & Proffitt, D.R. (2010) Illusory shrinkage and growth: Body-based rescaling affects the perception of size. Psychological Science, 21: 1318-1325.

Marcel, A. (2003) The Sense of Agency: Awareness and Ownership of Action. In J. Roessler and N. Eilan (eds.) Agency and Self-Awareness. Oxford University Press. Pp. 48-93.

Mohler, B. J., S. H. Creem-Regehr, W. B. Thompson and H. H. Bülthoff (2010). The Effect of Viewing a Self-Avatar on Distance Judgments in an HMD-Based Virtual Environment. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments.

Sanchez-Vives, M. V., Spanlang, B., Frisoli, A., Bergamasco, M., & Slater, M. (2010) Virtual hand illusion induced by visuomotor correlations. PLoS One 5: 4. 04.

Sebanz, N. and Bekkering, H. and Knoblich, G., (2006), Joint action: bodies and minds moving together, Trends in Cognitive Sciences

de Vignemont, F., & Farnè, A. (2010) Widening the body to rubber hands and tools: What’s the difference? Revue de Neuropsychologie, Neurosciences Cognitives et Cliniques 2: 1–9.

Wong, H. Y. (2010) Bodily Awareness and Bodily Agency. In T. O’Connor and C. Sandis (eds.) A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Blackwell. Pp. 227-235.