Problems with posting to Memlist

Having problems getting your email to post to the list? Here are some questions to ponder...

  1. Are you sending the email TO the correct address? The address for Memlist posts is
  2. Are you sending your email FROM the address that is subscribed to Memlist? Many people have more than one email address. Posts MUST come from a subscribed address.
    1. These two points are the main causes of problems for people who contact me about posting issues.
  3. How do you know your email has not been posted?
    1. ... Did you receive a bounce message? If you did, and you don't understand the reason, forward it to me and I'll interpret it for you.
    2. ... Did you check the archive? See Accessing the group archive for assistance.
    3. Not all email services send a copy of a post to the sender - both mailing list programs and email services are reasonably smart these days, and many do not 'echo' the post back to the sender.

If you need further assistance with posting please contact me directly ( if you continue to have problems with posting that are not sorted after you've gone over the points above.