Read Receipts and similar

Post date: Jul 14, 2016 1:12:03 AM

If your email service/program is set to send out notices when an email is read or deleted unread, please turn it off.

We're seeing posts come through to Memlist that are nothing more than a notice to say that the recipient (ie the poster of the email) has either read the email sent to them, or deleted it unread.

This is not acceptable behaviour on a mailing list (any mailing list, not just this one), and though I appreciate it is probably unintentional on the part of the list member, it needs to stop.

If a post comes from you to Memlist that is either a read receipt or a not-read receipt, you will be put onto moderation until you assure me that you've turned that feature off at your end.

As I've said before - you don't want to end up on moderation. Google is slow to tell me there is mail waiting, and I don't go looking umpteen times a day just in case. If you post to Memlist and you're set to moderation, it might be a day or two before your post is released to the list.

All of the recent notices received here lately have come from people using Microsoft Outlook. Please check your settings, and make changes if necessary. I don't have that program running on my computer, so can't give you specific steps, but look for the Settings cog on your screen, and read through the various options carefully to find the one you're looking for. Terms to look for are "read receipt", "out of office replies", "automatic replies" - it may be under one of those.

As always, please do not reply to this post with another post to Memlist. If you have questions, or need to vent, or want to alert me to one of these receipts slipping through, please write to me directly -