Logged into Google

(Please note that since this page was first written, Memlist has been given official status in the society, so the "Alt" part of the name has been dropped. The screen images below have not been altered to reflect this, but it makes no other difference to these instructions.)

These are the instructions for signing up to NZSG-Memlist if you have a Google account already. If you don't have a Google account, go to No Google Log-in

Start by going to http://groups.google.com/group/nzsg-memlist?hl=en - you'll see this screen:

Note that the email address showing in the top right-hand corner is the one that will be subscribed to the group.

(If you want to subscribe with a different address, log out or use another browser that isn't logged in to the one showing. See No Google Log-in for instructions.)

Click on the "Apply for membership" link marked above.

Select your mail option:

  • No Email - you receive no list mail, but have access to the archive
  • Abridged Email - a daily summary of each day's posts
  • Digest Email - a daily full listing of the posts
  • Email - receive each post as it comes in to the list

You can change your mind later - see How to set digest or other mail options.

Enter a nickname in the box provided - it's probably already filled since you're logged in, but you can change it. This is the name that will appear to other members when they view the members' list, or you post from the web. If you post from an email program, the name set there will override your settings for that post.

Type your name and NZSG number in the second box. This is to confirm your society membership.

Click on the "Apply to this group" button.

You're done!

Now you need to wait until I've seen your application come in, and approve it. If you've given your name and number it shouldn't take long - but I'm not at the computer 24 hours a day, so have patience please!

If you leave that window open and refresh it from time to time, when your membership has been approved you'll be taken into the group. Otherwise, just come back to the page later to check in.

You will also receive an email to let you know:

If you have any difficulties following the instructions, please contact me with the details of where you're having problems and I will assist you.

Wendy Howard

NZSG Forum Administrator