Very few list rules here - but you must follow this one

Post date: Feb 12, 2012 8:28:19 PM

I have no desire to play list police on this list - you're all old enough to know how to behave properly (and you're probably all older than me!). But I will if I have to.

The one big rule that I expect everyone to follow is - be nice to each other. That means treat others as you would wish to be treated. No bullying, no sniping, no telling other people how they should behave.

If you have a problem with what someone has posted, bring it to me privately please and I will take any action that is needed. Do not post your own retort. Take a very big deep breath - then walk away from your computer a while and come back when you've cooled down a bit, and if you feel you must post in a manner that goes against what I'm saying here, walk away again. Tell me if you must tell someone - you can vent to me privately in safety if you must. But do it on the list and suffer the consequences.

Bringing it to the list will get you put on moderation, so I review what you post and only let it through if it is worded appropriately - this is not censorship, it is good housekeeping. We do not need flame wars here. We need a friendly environment where people feel safe to discuss their thoughts, ideas and research problems without fear of being put down for being stupid.

I hope I have made myself clear. I have little tolerance for the kind of behaviour I've described here. Now that I have stated my position clearly here for all to see, I will be enforcing it.

Let this be the end of it.

Kind Regards,
