What to do when spam reaches the list

Post date: Dec 3, 2013 3:44:39 AM

This is an edited version of a post I sent to Memlist today. It is not really a new rule, it's more a specific situation where the original rule still applies and I wanted to make it more clear...

If you have concerns about spam reaching Memlist, please write to me directly about it, not to the list.

I am loathe to moderate members (meaning I have to approve any posts sent by the member before anyone else sees them) but I will do so if too many spam emails reach the list, to prevent any more doing so.

I will also moderate anyone who posts to the list about any spam that reached the list, so please think twice about what you're going to post if that is your topic - and then take a deep breath, walk around the garden, and think again. Trust me, you don't want to be moderated - Google are very slow to advise me when there are posts waiting to be approved, and I'm not going to check in every hour or so just to see if there's something waiting.

Meanwhile, it is a fact of life that sometimes email accounts (from any provider) are hacked and spam emails are sent from them. Don't panic about it, and learn how to handle it 'cos you're going to see it again some time.

  • If you are the recipient of such an email there is nothing you can do except delete the email. Do not click on any links in an email that looks suspicious to you.
  • If your account is hacked (or you think it is in danger of being hacked) change the password, and consider invoking additional protection, such as 2-factor login, where it is offered by your email provider.

If you wish to discuss any aspect of this email, please write to me directly at this address - forum@genealogy.org.nz