Accessing the group archive

(Please note that since this page was first written, Memlist has been given official status in the society, so the "Alt" part of the name has been dropped. The screen images below have not been altered to reflect this, but it makes no other difference to these instructions.)

To access the archive and change your settings you need to register with Google using the email address with which you're subscribed to the group. If you're using a Gmail account, it's already done (access Groups via the bar at the top of any Google page when you're logged in - as seen in the picture below) - but if you're using a different email supplier, you need to register that address with them.

  1. Go to the group's home page -
  2. Assuming you're not already logged into Google with another account*, you'll see a screen like this:
    1. *If you are logged into Google with another account, you have to choose between one of these options to continue:
      1. log out of your other account, then go in with the "this" account (the one you're subscribed to NZSG-Memlist with) - and set up a log-in as per these instructions.
      2. use a different browser which isn't logged into your other account, and log in with the NZSG-Memlist subscribed address there.
      3. log into both accounts at the same time in your usual browser - take a look at "multiple sign-in" in the Gmail help
      4. .
  1. Click on the link "Sign in to Google Groups", then you'll see a screen like this:
    1. Click on the red SIGN UP button.
  1. You then see this screen:
    1. Select the button appropriate for your email service, and follow the instructions given.
    2. I am guessing that Xtra's relationship with Yahoo means that if you have an address you can click on the Yahoo icon, as shown in the picture, which will take you to:
    1. ...where you can log into your Xtra/Yahoo account and have them link up easily. But I cannot test this, sorry. It works fine for Yahoo addresses.
    2. Otherwise, if you have a service that isn't one of the three shown, click on the "Use a different email" button instead, and you'll see:
    1. Fill in the details, make your selection of the optional ticked boxes, etc as needed/required to complete. When ready, click on the "I accept. Create my account." button at the bottom of the page (out of sight in the picture).

You should be done now, and able to access the group online. If you're still having difficulties, email me directly and tell me where you're having trouble.

Wendy Howard

NZSG Forum Admin