9/08/11 - TTT2 and Jinpachi articles

Post date: Sep 09, 2011 6:8:19 AM

Before TTT2 is released next week in Japan, I wanted to put out an article about team composition and creation. I would have liked to have finished the Tekken BR move ranking by now, but it was taking up a ton of my time and remains unfinished. I'll probably get around to finishing it later next month as TTT2 frame data and attack properties trickle down. The move ranking list would be a nice complement for inexperienced players who can see, data wise, their character's drawbacks and pick a character who can properly fill those holes. Making a well balanced team is my latest article that breaks down the three ways to create a team in TTT2, which is also a tie-in to my latest Jinpachi article about his abundance of knockdown and wall splatting attacks.

Around TZ, AAK has created an Introduction to TTT2 on NeoGAF which is a pretty good read and sandilord created a Jinpachi thread that compiles Jinpachi's move list and video examples until a dedicated Jinpachi forum is created.