6/03/11 - Small update

Post date: Jun 04, 2011 6:43:8 AM

I've finished up with more video links and some preliminary frame data on the TTT2 Dragunov thread, only thing missing is WS+1,2 but I won't worry about it for now. That should be it until more TTT2 footage becomes available as I'm fairly certain nearly all of the online recorded footage has been exhausted.

I also have been brushing up on Jinpachi (both TTT2 footage and hands-on DR play) so if I do stick with Sergei/Jinpachi I should be pretty prepared when the game drops. It's a shame that the character specific netsu information isn't available yet and I do hope that Namco releases it via Arcadia magazine (or such) before its release.

As I said last week, I hope to have Practical Pt. 4 ready within a week or so.