Work and Energy: page 2
Work and Energy Lessons / Tutorials: Click here for Ms. Twu's Work and Energy Practice Problems, Work and Energy Notes
AP1 lab Energy Conservation Hotwheel on Track
Work and Energy: page 1 (Videos 1 to 6: Work)
Work and Energy: page 2 (Videos 7 to 10: Potential energy, conservation of energy (with no friction and no spring))
Work and Energy: page 3 (Videos 11 to 15: Conservation of energy (with friction and no spring), spring problems)
Work and Energy: page 4 (Videos 16 to 20: Conservation of energy (with spring and friction), units, Joule's experiment)
Work and Energy: page 5 (Videos 21 to 24: Power, simple machines, circular track problem, multiple-choice questions)
AP Physics 1: Work and Energy 7: Conservative Force and Potential Energy
AP Physics 1: Work and Energy 8: Conservation of Energy: Tarzan Swinging on Vine Problem
AP Physics 1: Work and Energy 9: Conservation of Energy: Frictionless Track Problem
Whether it is an object released from rest into free fall, Tazan grabbing onto a vine, starting from rest, and swinging down, or a block released from rest and sliding down a frictionless track, the conservation of mechanical energy gives us mgy turing into ½ mv2, ie. mgyi = ½ mvf2. You can see a lab/demo using photogate timers to show you that the 2 balls in the demo end up with the same speed (same reading from the photogate timers). MIT Physics Demo -- Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy at
AP Physics 1: Work and Energy 10: Conservation of Energy: Projectile Problem
Work and Energy: page 1 (Videos 1 to 6: Work)
Work and Energy: page 2 (Videos 7 to 10: Potential energy, conservation of energy (with no friction and no spring))
Work and Energy: page 3 (Videos 11 to 15: Conservation of energy (with friction and no spring), spring problems)
Work and Energy: page 4 (Videos 16 to 20: Conservation of energy (with spring and friction), units, Joule's experiment)
Work and Energy: page 5 (Videos 21 to 24: Power, simple machines, circular track problem, multiple-choice questions)
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