Forces: page 5
Forces Lessons: Click here for Ms. Twu's Forces Practice Problems.
This unit includes circular motion and gravitation.
AP Physics 1 Lab: ∑F = Fnet = ma (Open inquiry)
Physics Lab: ∑F = Fnet = ma (Guided inquiry)
Physics Lab: Measuring Coefficient of Static Friction
Physics Phet Virtual Lab: Measuring Coefficient of Static Friction
AP Physics 1 Lab: Circular Motion
Forces: page 1 (Videos 1 to 6: Newton's 3 laws of motion, 1-dim single-object problems)
Forces: page 2 (Videos 7 to 11: Multi-object problems, 2-dim single-object problems)
Forces: page 3 (Videos 12 to 18: Friction, incline, and pulley problems)
Forces: page 4 (Videos 19 to 26: Circular motion)
Forces: page 5 (Videos 27 to 31: Tangential & radial acceleration, inertial & non-inertial reference frames, gravitation)
Forces: page 6 (Videos 32 to 37): Weightless situation, multiple-choice questions, air resistance, and banked road)
AP Physics 1: Forces 27: Tangential Acceleration and Centripetal (or Radial) Acceleration
The hilly road problem can be found in AP Physics 1: Forces 25: Circular Motion 7: Car on Hilly Road.
AP Physics 1: Forces 28: Inertial and Non-Inertial Reference Frames and Coriolis Effect
If you wish to review the discussion on centrifugal force and the letting go of a rock on spinning merry-go-round, it can be found at 12:51 in AP Physics 1: Forces 19: Circular Motion 1: Centripetal Acceleration and Centripetal/Centrifugal Force.
For Coriolis effect: ball throwing on spinning merry-go-round demo: Coriolis Effect There is also a simulation and a lot of interesting information on Wikipedia: .
AP Physics 1: Forces 29: Newton’s Law of Gravitation and Cavendish’s Measurement of G
A short video about Cavendish and his famous Cavendish experiment: The Cavendish Experiment - Sixty Symbols at
I also enjoyed listening to the book A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson. It is basically on science history. Bryson is not a scientist, but I think he did a great job on the book. Don’t be too picky about every science term/event being used exactly correctly, although there is an Errata and Corrigenda page for this book at if you are interested. I can’t seem to find time to sit down to read books, so I listen to them when I do housework or do work in the yard : ) A Short History of Nearly Everything kept me engaged when I cleaned and painted all the windows in my house a couple years ago.
AP Physics 1: Forces 30: Gravity and Gravitational Acceleration: Proportion Problems
AP Physics 1: Forces 31: Gravitation 3: Circular Orbits
Forces: page 1 (Videos 1 to 6: Newton's 3 laws of motion, 1-dim single-object problems)
Forces: page 2 (Videos 7 to 11: Multi-object problems, 2-dim single-object problems)
Forces: page 3 (Videos 12 to 18: Friction, incline, and pulley problems)
Forces: page 4 (Videos 19 to 26: Circular motion)
Forces: page 5 (Videos 27 to 31: Tangential & radial acceleration, inertial & non-inertial reference frames, gravitation)
Forces: page 6 (Videos 32 to 37): Weightless situation, multiple-choice questions, air resistance, and banked road)
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